the carnival elation

we had such a fantastic time on our cruise with my family. be forewarned that there a many pictures below. it was a MUCH needed vacation and pretty much the most relaxing time i have had in 5 years. having said that i have never missed anyone as much as trevan and i missed our little peanut jude. he is our heart. thank you thank you thank you mom and dad for the best present ever.

formal night aboard the elation. in total there were 12 of us and we had 2 tables of 6. each night we switched it up and ate with different people. towards the end trevan and dustin were commanded to be together at dinner because food fights from table to table we not allowed. although, i think robyn was involved as well.

some the men aboard the elation. i think dustin and nate were already at the casino.

paige, lisa, beety, nannie, large & in charge, and robyn

ok. karaoke may be my guilty pleasure. anyone who knows me should not be surprised. as soon as i read it on the cruise itinerary i knew i would be apart of it. unfortunately, i have a not so good voice and no one wants to see a 7 1/2 month pregnant woman singing madonna. the good news is, i broke the ice for the rest of the family.

bobby baby bikini getting down with a little garth brooks.

so lisa and i both sang some madonna, along with some other chicky babes. apparently it was a competition and i lost and lisa won. i was glad i lost and you will see why later.

my darling parents who made this lovely trip possible.

cabo san lucas

riding on the infamous "glass bottom boat" to lovers beach. i think we were all excited for a little sunshine!

however, i was the most excited. mostly because i knew how good i would look in a swimsuit. don't be jealous ladies.

my FAVORITE picture of my mom. this is her just sitting on the beach, buying some mexican crap, and loving being with her kids. she loves her babies, all 6 of us. how happy does she look? she's pretty cute i think.

bob and robyn also enjoyed the beach after a little parasailing. i love those darling st. georgians.

my least favorite part about cabo were all the mexicans walking up and down the beach trying to get you to buy crap. "for you almost free today!" anyway, i couldn't resist the pressure and bought a cute cowboy hat with paige and my merm. yes, that is football back i am sporting. did i mention i love being pregnant and in a swimsuit?

of all the things offered by the beach walkers dustin really wanted a tattoo, dead serious. brooke however was being a peach that day (thank you nuva ring) and was throwing temper tantrums about not getting to do anything and wouldn't let dustin spend the $14 on such a beautiful piece of artwork. she did however wind up parasailing and snorkeling that day. love her.

as i mentioned above brooke was having a emotional day. this is dustin trying to console her. he does it by acting more bratty than her and then getting her to apologize for making him upset and then he apologizes. it's really cute and special....... i am used to it by now but i like that i documented it.

i loved laying on the beach. why don't we live closer to one? maybe i will hit up the great salt lake this summer. luckily for me the girls came on the trip too, hey girls!

mite & nannie (and yes he is ALWAYS fully clothed)

anyone that has been on a cruise knows about the towel creations that the staff does for you. well, i got a different one than everyone else one night, a baby. how cute huh! wi knew i was pregnant and he might of been the only person on the boat (minus family) that had love for my pregnant butt.

at dinner one night they had a little entertainment that inlcuded the macarena. yes, thats right the macarena, its still around. even my dad couldn't resist.

brooke and i definitely could not resist the macarena, as you can tell by our awesome faces.

another thing that happened every night was a little hot tubbing on the lido deck. one night trev did not want to join us and bryce told him that if he would wear brooke's bikini then he would pay him $50 to come and relax with us in the luke warm hot tub.
who can resist $50? not us!

worth every penny of it. for your consideration, trevan would like to point out that it was very cold out there. also, note bryce's face in the background.

not to be out done, dusty decided he too would sport one of brooke's bikini's on this adventure to lido deck. it was a pleasant surprise for all of us. brooke was pissed that ALL of her swimsuits were wet and stretched out but she had to laugh as well. don't forget dustin did not get paid to do this, this beautiful creation was done for free!

take your pick ladies! us williams girls really know how to chose are men!

there is my pregnant butt again singing a little karaoke. this time brookie-d joined me for a little backstreet boy love. we were the greatest fans at one point. really, we were.

i don't know who's version of "as long as you love me" is better.........

dustin picked up the mike for a little GNR "sweet child o mine" and it was amazing, breath taking really.

this was the crowds reaction. dustbin may be a little tone deaf....

...but at least he looked good!

paige and nate were cruised out. i think this was their 4th cruise in a year. i don't think they enjoyed themselves too much. however, paige looked great and i loved being next to her. we have twinner bodies at this point.

bryce sang twice for us once with a little johnny cash and again with some sexy morrisey. it was so good be with bryce and lisa. we totally do not see enough of them. poor bryce was super bummed that brad couldn't come. he had to be with his stinky sisters all the time.

who's that? oh, it's prego again belting out a little dixie chicks. i think i and everyone else has had enough of my karaoke skills. sit down!
we love mexico!

anyone need some viagra?

most of us (the cool ones) all went out to la bufadora (the blowhole) in ensenada. brooke and dustin and us rented these sweet golf cart/4-wheelers to take out there. although they say "not safe for highway use" and "do not operate without helmet" these rules do not apply in mexico.

trev and his wind blown look.

la bufadora turned out to be really cool, much cooler than i make it look in the picture. ensenada is kind of nasty but the 40 mile drive out to the rocky coast was gorgeous.

trev enjoyed it too. we just didn't bring our happy faces that day.

on the walk down to the actual blowhole you are bombarded by a mile walk of this! i did however find some great souvies!

the last night on the boat we had a show to go to! lisa was starring in the carnival legends show as madonna. remember how i told you i was glad i didn't win? this is why!

and p.s. these were the stars of the main shows every night and i made me seasick to look at them. i don't mind unattractive people but when they're in your face and thinking they are looking great and beautiful..... man oh man, you have a different story. it was bad.

lisa totally stole the show as madonna. she even had her own dancers (a little jealous there). i love her and that she had to practice the whole trip for this event. she even had to go to dress rehearsals. we were all proud of her and all glad it was her and not us!
so that's our cruise in a nut shell. do you think i got enough pictures? who can resist. we had the best time. i rate it a 9 out of 10. one point reduction for being away from sir judakins.