my adorable niece bella turned one on sunday and we had a party to celebrate the day before. let's just state the facts, my brother brad has BEAUTIFUL children. even though gabi and bella look totally different they are each in their own right totally and utterly gorgeous children.
bella had a butterfly themed water party and i think its been one of the most successful birthday parties to date. all of the cousins had a delightful time splashing around in the pool, sliding down the slip-n-slide, and getting their faces painted by vanessa.
as i said, these 2 people make stunning children and should possibly consider being surrogate parents for the rich and famous that want beautiful children.
ok... so not to take away from sweet bella, i just have to vent a bit.
seeing bella turn 1 and be walking is really hard for me. i am so glad that bella is walking and normal and beautiful but i want that for greta too. do not get me wrong when i say, i am grateful EVERY single day that greta is where she is and that she is here for me to love BUT sometimes it just gets me down. i hate that all of her younger cousins thus far will probably be walking or even crawling before her, including poppy who will be 1 in november. i hate that we go places and people are stunned when i say she is 1 because she does not do most things that 1 year olds do. i hate that having the strength to crawl or stand is so hard for greta. i hate that she doesn't get to be "normal" developmentally right now. most of all i hate that i have a hard time with it. i want this to be something that i can be okay with. i am working on being okay with it, sometimes i am, sometimes i forget but its really hard to forget and be okay when i see babies much younger than greta hitting milestones so far ahead of grets. its just hard... hard for me, i am working on acceptance and gratitude.
i guess i will just have to live with her being totally adorable. i think i can manage that.