one of our most favorite things to do is drive up big cottonwood canyon, over guardsman's pass, into the beautiful miday/heber valley(our future home), and have bite to eat at dairy keen. {did you know that there you can get soft serve orange sherbet like the kind that mcdonalds use to have years ago? well, you can and for me that alone is worth the trip.} that beautiful drive combined with our favorite music and sleeping babies has got to be the closest thing to perfection.
this weekend we made the drive for the leaves and you better do the same ASAP because they are out of this world.
i want to live in late september forever.
after our early dinner we stopped at the middle provo river so trevan could scope out some fly fishing territory. probably his best idea ever, screw fishing there i could live there. i will settle for something with in a 100 ft radius. in all honesty, living in that valley is in our 10 year plan.
the best view of life is always on your father's shoulders.
gretsie loved crawling around through the meadow. her poor legs are still recovering from all the cockleburrs.
jude ran around for nearly an hour jumping through the waist high grasses and fighting the reeds with his sword (stick). he was in 7th heaven and loved to play follow the leader around the river banks.
did you know my husband is smart? he is full of information that you would never care to think about. i wonder where i got him sometimes..... the things he fills is brain with are so random.
such as this.... see those slugs on the bottom of that rock? well, they are very bad for the rivers/fish. going from one fising spot to another fishermen track these vermin into the rivers on their felt boots they use for fishing. as 2010 you will now longer be able to buy felt soled boots for fishing. good to know, right? (see i was listen trevan)
what a perfectly magical weekend.
today... i love my life.