this little mcnugget had a HUGE accomplishment today. greta met with her vision therapist today and she was tested to see where she was as at. i am proud to say that with greta's mad vision skills she no longer needs darcie, our vision therapist. all though i will miss our darcie (she has been with us for nearly 2 years) i am glad that greta is progressing so well and no longer needs her services. greta will always qualify to have services with the school for the blind because of her vision impairments (OMA & CVI) but at this point greta's vision is one of her strengths. she see's perfectly and now knows how to compensate for what her brain can't produce. i am thrilled to the gills with my little prets.
its been rough the past couple of weeks with greta for me. i keep setting goals for her, for myself. like, i really wanted her to walk by christmas.... well christmas came and went and we still don't have a walker. it's hard, really hard. greta is totally not a disappointment but i find myself disappointed because nothing is ever good enough for me. the things greta has overcome and what she is accomplishing everyday are amazing, that should be enough. but come on, is it so much for me to want my nearly 2 year old to walk? i want her to walk because i know she would love walking, its so much better than crawling. don't get me wrong, she is really close to walking and it will happen very soon but (of course)i want it sooner. we keep working with her, working on walking, working on signing, working on talking. the work seems endless but always worth it. if i have learned anything with greta, i have learned patience. she will walk, she will talk, when she is good and ready.
she is perfect, perfectly greta and today i am proud as punch to be her mom.