Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Thursday, February 18, 2010
i am a totally a paranoid hypochondriac. i am always certain that something is awry. as of late i feel even more so, i have been overly tired, getting headaches, itching my scalp like crazy (no its not dandruff, i checked), and gaining weight. remember this? well, its caught up to me. anyway, i was sure i had breast cancer and a brain tumor, so certain in fact, i made a doctors appointment just to prove myself wrong. i have this theory that if i say my fears out loud then they won't come true (ie. trevan dying, cancer, car accidents, major illnesses). like, maybe i am testing the fates by saying it out loud. not rational, but totally kennan. that being said last september at my routine ob-gyn appointment a small lump was found in my left breast. i was told it was nothing and not to worry but (being the paranoid hypochondriac that i am) i didn't feel the same way. ever since i lay awake in bed at night thinking i am feeling some sort of pain or discomfort in that area. so i thought i should get a second opinion.
i haven't seen a "regular" doctor since i played soccer at 17 and thought it was about time i found one. i made a routine physical appointment with a physician i had seen once before when i had meningitis that i really liked. she was very nice and listened to me ramble for nearly an hour about all my concerns. she too found my lump, thought it was probably nothing (nothing? people die from "nothing" breast cancer everyday and p.s. my kids need me) but ordered an ultrasound to settle my fears. she also ran a bunch of other tests just to make sure everything was running smoothly.... she also told me NO she would not put me on diet pills (at which point i liked/trusted her even more)
fast forward to today and i got some of my results back. turns out i am sick, sort of..... i have hypothyroidism. i am not glad that i am sick its just after 2 years of not having any answers with greta, its nice to have a real diagnosis, even if it is for me. hypothyroidism explains everything, nearly. i also am significantly vitamin D deficient and was put on a very high dose of vitamin D (7500 mg, outrageous). i guess they found blood in my urine too and i have to go back for some more tests. i have my ultrasound next week and should know more on that soon. i will feel better just knowing for sure lumpy is "nothing".
the point of this drawn out story is that you should always trust your instinct, even if it is not rational. i feel validated, i am so glad that i trusted my instinct. i get so caught up in taking care of trevan's cholesterol, jude's birthmark, and greta's neurological issue that i really put my own health on the back burner. i really hope that in the next few weeks i will start feeling better, more like myself. i really really hope that this medicine i am taking will make me start cleaning my house, lose 25 lbs, go to bed on time, stop spending money we don't have, make my hair thicker, and get trevan a new job . i am pretty sure that's what i read the side effects were so i am anxious for that all to happen.
oh well, that's life.
Sunday, February 14, 2010
Saturday, February 13, 2010
kinda feeling it...
say what you will but i feel for haiti, it breaks my heart. i am glad that this (somewhat hilarious) song has been remade to help with the effort. this is something i can support.
p.s. i am still not okay with michael jackson's death, i love him.
Monday, February 8, 2010
superbowl shmorgishborg
what do your superbowl sundays consist of?
our day is filled with food, mingled with football. who played again? i really don't think i watched 5 minutes of the game. we girls were busy making food, checking blogs, and gossiping to worry about the game. the husbands watched the game and we just kept bringing platter after platter of food down to them to keep them happy.
on the menu this year were as follows(mind you this was for 6 adults & 4 small children):
meatball subs, quesadillas, 7-layer dip, muddy buddies, fruit salad, lil' smokies, chips & dip, hot wings, veggie platter, and candy galore.
sigh... i am salivating just thinking about the food that was partaken of last night.
and who doesn't love a stale chicken wing after a tub?
so hot right now, this is so my new facebook profile pic.
a kid in high school always said i looked like an alien, i guess i can see why.
jude and minie weren't really seen all night. between spongebob being on upstairs and a plethora of movies being played in the theater these two were all over the place. i am not sure whether or not they ate that night but you can be sure their physical affection needs were met, because they LOVE each other..... is it still illegal to marry your cousin?
thanks nannie for always being the best host.
bosom buddies
Thursday, February 4, 2010
baby bronson
i just read about bronson.
i am so sad, so heartbroken for everyone in that little family.
please pray for them.
please watch and protect your kids. this could happen to anyone, to me, to you. it's all way to real.
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