where have i been? busy.
busy gestating.
i cannot believe i am 29 weeks.
kind of makes me sick to my stomach that in about 2 months time i will be a mom of 3. really, 3 kids is a lot more than 2. as much as i am ready to be done being pregnant, i am also equally as terrified and want baby boy to stay in as long as possible. he will be here feb. 2nd, if he doesn't come before that, which he can't come before that because we are not ready.
did you know we don't have credit cards anymore? well, we don't. and because we do not have credit cards we can only do what we can when we can afford it. which i think we were suppose to be doing all along.... it's been a REAL wake up call for us on how to live on what we make. the list of things i need to get and get done is longish and the fundage is lowish. not complaining, trevan makes a good living, things are just a lot different than when we use to 'finance' things. like, i really have to get a new car seat, bunk beds and mattresses for the j and g, bedding, decor, and a new car. oh, and then we have to throw christmas in the middle of that. the new car is not happening any time soon BTW. turns our we are like $3000 upside down in our little station wagon.... warms my soul. so we are going to do our best and squish the gregory trio in the backseat until we can even out our debt on the car better.
all of these things are manageable, i know, and definitely more manageable for someone who is not me. i am an anxiety ridden fool. my heart races as i go to sleep at night worrying over trivial things. however, i am pregnant as it turns out and the whole 'nesting' thing is real. i feel the need to finish things and when i can't do that, it's a mess for everyone involved. patience is not one of my strengths.... especially while gestating.
however, staying slim is a strength of mine while pregnant... seeing as i am now classified as a duplex. did you know i am measuring 5 weeks big? yes, 5 weeks. no, i am not having twins... i am just large and in charge. 5 weeks.... yes. i can't complain too much because it means i am healthy and growing and that in turn means baby boy is too. he is by far and above the most active of all my children, hims a busy boy. he thinks sometimes that it is time to come and likes to give me contractions and loads of pressure down yonder but we talked, and he is staying put until he has a bed to sleep in (which my mom is whipping up her best crib set to date) and a seat to ride in.
speaking of baby boy.... he is a stranger. i am pretty sure he will remain unnamed until he has to go to kindergarten and no one can refer to him has baby boy anymore. it's just that no name seems to fit him. we were not 100% sure what we would name the other kids but we had strong contenders. not with this one, it's all sorts of indecisiveness. i mean, find me a name that goes with jude and greta will you? it's a hard task.
interesting right? probably not.
that's what is going on with me and my baby on board.