it's been a while. dare i say my longest blogging hiatus ever-ever? possibly.
i have no reason for not blogging, i am not bored with it, nothing devastating has happened, nothing amazing has happened, i haven't found a better outlet to express myself, i don't have better things to be doing, and i am not too busy either.... i just stopped for a minute, and then it became a week, and then it became a month, and now we are here.
so here i am, ready to get back on the wagon.
summer 2012 has been spent mostly at the suncrest pool, surrounding splash pads, and few trips to seven peaks salt lake. this summer i am relishing my children, appreciating the ages they are, and trying to understand the people they are. i adore this little family of mine and i SO love where trevan and i are in our relationship... we are in sync right now, understanding each other better and more in love than ever. i want to remember this.
here are some bits and pieces of the end of may and june...
:: memorial day ::
ezzie started walking at 15 mo and he hasn't looked back.
i hate when they walk, they think they aren't babies anymore.... it's offends.
all of the williams in attendance at my grandpa glenn and uncle jeff's graveside
it does my body good to see this little miracle girl running around.
m' boy and me.
she could do this for hours...
further proof i chose the right man to father my kids.

random... ezra LOVES dustin and since he can't seem to produce a male heir of his own, we will let him borrow our cubbie.
because grannie billie was cremated, we have no where to visit her. i don't like this and neither does my mom, so she planned a lovely little memorial in remembrance of her mother. she bought all of us balloons to send off to grannie with our sweet memories of her.
these girls... tears.
we all took turns saying what we remembered and loved about grannie billie. it was so sweet, and i cannot believe how much i miss her, and her love for my sweet jude.
i like to think our messages was received.
:: june :: suncrest with our peeps, the jackson's and peterson's
get yourself a sister wife (aka brooke) ASAP... all things are better with the jackson's involved.
jude is finally swimming all by hims self.
he is so proud of himself, as he well should be.
greta is almost there too!
{ do yourself a favor and get yourself within earshot of these two's conversations. }
we've really tried to enjoy our surroundings this summer and have gone hiking a lot. this was our first attempt of the season... silver lake up big cottonwood canyon.
verdict: perfect.
it is both baby
and greta friendly
G.T.'s with our 4 year old in a backpack... it's a damn good thing she is both little for her age and cute.
my "hittle" family
my favorite picture of the summer
ezra was a much better fit in the backpack... and my view was the best.
andafter years and years of moose "glassin" we finally saw a moose up big cottonwood canyon
(we have seen 5 more since then!) so many expressions on that face, so little time.
pure girl.
:: girls trip 2012 ::robyn called sometime in early may and requested a no kids girls trip with her sisters. umm, easiest decsion i ever made... DONE. so we booked a trip to las vegas for mid june and had one of the best times together as sisters.
we laughed, we snuggled, we held newborns, we ate, we gossiped, we lounged, we swam, we shopped, we instagrammed, we slept, and more.
it was perfection in 3 days form.
@ i ❤ burgers.
'hash house a go go' round 2... get in my belly.
a little pool time... hey girl.
i love having sisters... look how beautiful they are!
we know how to party in a minvan.
:: father's day ::we bust our cute little butts home from vegas in order to be home with our hussies for father's day. i was so happy to be with my family again. it's funny how much you can miss them.
my kids have the best, most handsomest, daddie.
we are all lucky to call him ours.
please stay tuned for july