Wednesday, June 13, 2012

dancing queen.

there are maybe one or two things cuter than watching little girls dance AND we got our first experience in watching our own little girl dance in her first recital the last week in may. there are so many fun things about having a daughter, and this may top the list.

 greta is front and center...

when brooke moved to draper in january, we knew getting our girls in the same dance class was our first priority. our kids = cousin siblings. greta LOVED going to dance every week with miss pop tart by her side and minsie was upstairs dancing her fool heart out at the same time. we will get into the whole "dance mom" bit, later but needless to say brooke and i had many laughs. the girls danced at the AED studio in draper and we were thrilled with their experience there.... minus the 8 hour long recital. the girls cannot wait to start back up again in the fall.

its crazy how much i love brooke's girls, they are mine in my eyes. 

an angel girl and her daddie

a plus size momma and her fifth disease stricken daughter... she is edible.

greta's gregory fan club.

and of course grandpa and nannie.

i love my boys to the moon, but i sure love that i have daughter...

Monday, June 4, 2012

t-ball, year 3.

baseball jude.

year 3 of t-ball brought jude patience, more skill, understanding, and an all around love of baseball.

of course, loving baseball is easier when all your favorite friends are on your team...

 or when your dad is the coach.

a hit!

jude's ladies it waiting.
p.s. fifth disease kicked our butts this spring

william and jude, bff's

jude and roen, carrying on the family tradition of being best friends

it was a great season and jude is anxious to start up again.
points to trevan for coaching again this year, not an easy job.

oh, and don't forget miss gretsie