My heart is officially broken, today we went in again for Jude's 1st "real" laser treatment and it was awful. Jude did really good and the surgery went perfect but it was so hard for us. It has been an emotional rollercoaster for me and Trevan. We know we are doing the best thing for him but we find ourselves asking "Why Jude?", he is so amazing and innocent. Yet, in the midst of turmoil for my family and their reproductive issues we are just glad we have Jude and know that it could be so much worse.
We had to be at the hospital at 7:30 this morning so Jude could get prepped for surgery at 9:00. He was so sweet and happy this morning and had no idea what he was in for. My Mom, Terri, and Rog were there for support and we really needed it. I am well read on Port Wine Stains and their treatment but I don't think you can ever be prepared for how bad it looks (and it does look worse than it is). He was only in surgery for about 35 minutes and was under GA so he didn't feel anything. We decided with Dr. Vanderhooft's suggestion to also laser Jude's "stork-bites" on his eyes and forehead. The "stork-bites" typically fade but she noticed they haven't faded yet and sometimes when they are in relation to PWS they sometimes don't fade. So that is also why it looks worse, his eye is swollen from the metal shield they put underneath his eyelid so his eye would not be in danger of being lasered.
After the surgery Trevan and I were able to be in recovery with him and he was really freaked out after waking up from GA but was extra cuddly which is a plus for us. The nurses were so wonderful and helpful and couldn't get over how cute and sweet Jude was. After he was done being monitored they discharged him and we got to take him home. They put him on some Lortab so he is still really loopy but is doing well. He moans a lot because I think he is in pain but we just hold him and continue to give him Tylenol and Motrin.
I will continue to update with Jude's healing progression. It will look worse before it will get better but at least we know what to expect. Thank you to everyone for your thoughts and prayers. I know Jude feels the love that everyone has for him.
We had to be at the hospital at 7:30 this morning so Jude could get prepped for surgery at 9:00. He was so sweet and happy this morning and had no idea what he was in for. My Mom, Terri, and Rog were there for support and we really needed it. I am well read on Port Wine Stains and their treatment but I don't think you can ever be prepared for how bad it looks (and it does look worse than it is). He was only in surgery for about 35 minutes and was under GA so he didn't feel anything. We decided with Dr. Vanderhooft's suggestion to also laser Jude's "stork-bites" on his eyes and forehead. The "stork-bites" typically fade but she noticed they haven't faded yet and sometimes when they are in relation to PWS they sometimes don't fade. So that is also why it looks worse, his eye is swollen from the metal shield they put underneath his eyelid so his eye would not be in danger of being lasered.
After the surgery Trevan and I were able to be in recovery with him and he was really freaked out after waking up from GA but was extra cuddly which is a plus for us. The nurses were so wonderful and helpful and couldn't get over how cute and sweet Jude was. After he was done being monitored they discharged him and we got to take him home. They put him on some Lortab so he is still really loopy but is doing well. He moans a lot because I think he is in pain but we just hold him and continue to give him Tylenol and Motrin.
I will continue to update with Jude's healing progression. It will look worse before it will get better but at least we know what to expect. Thank you to everyone for your thoughts and prayers. I know Jude feels the love that everyone has for him.

We love you guys so much. I really appreciate your strength, and your willingness to share your experience with us. Our prayers are with you.
ReplyDeleteJude is so lucky to have such great parents who are willing to go through this emotional procedure. Jude will never remember the treatments but will look back one day and thank you for it. Great parents make hard choices to make thier children happy. We love you guys... Kiss Jude for us.
ReplyDeleteScott and Dina
I'm so sorry, it just breaks my heart to see the pictures. Poor baby Jude. He's in my prayers. I LOVE YOU!