My Dad's favorite thing in the world was purchased this summer, THE GRAVELY. All in all its just a lawn mower but its so much more than that for my Dad. He has hired out to have his yard work done ever since I can remember, in fact I have never even mowed a lawn. This year he thought he would save some money and do it himself. It hurt him to see (literally) that in all the years he hired out he had actually grown old and was not the spring chicken he once was. After a few thrown out backs he decided to buy a riding lawn mower and not just any lawn mower, the Gravely!!!! He remembered seeing them used at the Little America in Cheyenne growing up and he knew they were the best and if you know my Dad he HAS to have the best. He claims he likes this more than any BMW he ever owned.
So the other night we decided Jude was ready to try it out but not without taking proper safety precautions, he had his car seat. The girls yelled into my Dad to come help us and he came running out to see Jude ready to mow!