ummm...... remember that post i made a few days ago "a SUPER HERO is born"? well apparently my mother wasn't paying enough attention when she read that spot about me not liking character apparel during the day. look at what she did.......

we were at
kohls looking for a shower curtain for
brooke and we decided to walk through the baby department. lo and behold
jude saw some
choo choo jammies that he liked. i showed them to him and said "ask
nannie" jokingly and he did, and she of course said yes. i thought he would be happy but no, that was not good enough..... he had to put them on. that was not going to happen on my watch, no character clothes during the day, especially
jammies! my mom could not resist, after all she is
nannie! she put the one pair on and she and
brooke were getting there laughs on because i was so set on him not wearing them. BUT to top the whole thing off,
jude threw a fit when he saw there was more than met the eye, there was another pair in the set. so yes,
nannie let him wear all 4 pieces. she was laughing so hard she was crying (if you can't tell in the picture). this was at 2 o'clock in the afternoon and he wore them until the morning and heaven forbid you try to take one of the shirts off. WHAT HAVE I CREATED? look how happy is! how can i resist?

jude wearing all 4 pieces of the set
He looks amazing in character clothes!! I think he should wear them everyday. What FUN!!