later on that same day, i met brooke at babiesRus for a little browsing. i figured since the stroller i want is mucho expensive i would look at some other options. well, babiesRus is weak in the double stroller department but jude found a stroller he was upset i didn't buy 2 years ago. seriously, ask brooke, we had a 15 minute tantrum when i got him out of it. stupid mommie!

i will have to go to babinski's or usa baby to look at more options but i am pretty much sold on the phil&ted's e3 double stroller. i am in love.......

look at all the options!!!!! this too can all be yours for a measly $500.

any suggestions? i don't want a side by side because the are akward and i don't want a bus either. i think i want a jogger but not because i will jog, but because i am taking up my favorite 5th grade hobby of rollerblading again after i have this baby.
Could you get me one too?
ReplyDeleteOh, Jude does need that stroller! Everyone should have at least three strollers. (Just ask Bob he will tell you.)
ReplyDeletefind a way to get the phil and ted stroller. It's so cute!
ReplyDeleteWhat about the poor dude in the back? He doesn't get to see anything :( Think about it!
Now I want that stroller, too. Thanks a lot! ; )
ReplyDeleteI wanted one too....until I read your moms comment! I seriously laughed out loud when i read it - no seriously, I was laughing out loud for like 10 minutes! I was just picturing Rachel yelling at zach to "MOVE ZACH, I CAN"T SEE ANYTHING!" I am laughing so hard I am crying!
ReplyDeleteSorry I'm cheating and checking out your blog :) but I do have to say get the phil & ted!!!! some of my friends have it and they LOVE IT! I'm thinking of getting one myself even though I don't jog or have two kids, but they are sweet. Also go on ebay to get it. You can get it for a lot cheaper and still new. (my friend did it) By the way I love your blog, you and your family are adorable.
ReplyDeleteokay, so you could be my twin ( I am Robyn's friend). I worship this stroller and kept trying to justify it when I had #2. My hubby kept making the point that I could buy like three other stollers for the price. I will covet you if you do get it.
ReplyDeleteOh, and I finally got a double jogger from costco online that has a swiveling front wheel and I am asking for roller blades for my bday. Funny. We will see how the jogger works as I take up roller blading again.
The stroller looks great, but what do I know...I have no kids. But I do want to say congrats on taking up the old hobby of rollerblading - what a great sport!
ReplyDeleteHere's what I'm thinking Kennan, just make Trevan watch the kids while you spend some much needed alone time rollerblading. Then talk to Trev about how you just saved $500 by not buying the stroller. Then have him watch the kids again while you go shopping.
ReplyDeleteYou need to get feeling better so you can UPDATE! I need to see some more pictures of Jude and read about your persepective of life. It keeps me smiling :)
ReplyDeleteP.S. I'm sorry you feel so horrible.