Monday, November 26, 2007
Thursday, November 22, 2007
thankful for thanksgiving
we had a wonderful thanksgiving and as usual it was spent between both of our families. it usually is fine but this year with me STILL being sick we didn't head down to my mom's until 1ish and then left at 4ish to go to the greg's. we didn't get enough williams time in. i think we might actually start switching off years so all families get equal time.
i have long loved thanksgiving. i love being with my/our families more than anything. the food is ALWAYS divine. both trevan and i have a new found love for all things sweet potatoes. mmmm, what were thinking not eating them before? it was a smaller crowd at my parents but all my favorites were there minus a few (you know who you are). until next time my fair & favorite thursday.
my cute growing family
i have long loved thanksgiving. i love being with my/our families more than anything. the food is ALWAYS divine. both trevan and i have a new found love for all things sweet potatoes. mmmm, what were thinking not eating them before? it was a smaller crowd at my parents but all my favorites were there minus a few (you know who you are). until next time my fair & favorite thursday.

Tuesday, November 20, 2007
dreaming of a white trash christmas?

after telling trevan all year that we are buying a christmas blow-up and him rolling his eyes, trevan caved in and granted me a christmas wish. he okayed my inflatable purchase! i looked around and found the perfect one for us. i know what people may say or think. i also know that they are borderline white trash but i love them and so does jude. we couldn't be happier with our decision

Sunday, November 18, 2007
scarlet fever and the virus from hell (pardon me)
i love my life but not right now. i have been sick since october 27th and not with just the common cold. it has been HELL! it feels like a mix between strep throat, bronchitis, sinusitis, the flu, and being pregnant. i have been to the doctor 3 times and i get the same answer everytime "it's a virus". lets just say 2 days a week jude is at both of his grandma's house so mommie can get better. turns out, i am not getting better. i have missed work, church, and everything else i am responsible for. poor dr. parker had to deal with me crying after another negative strep test so i could just get on antibiotics and get better. he just told me that sometimes being pregnant is like having aids, you have no immune system and you get everything. he also told me it could let up in another week or when i deliver. GREAT! kill me now! my best friend is instant spiced apple cider because its the only thing that feels good on my throat and i hate tea.
oh and did i forget to mention what a good mom i am? while feeling sorry for myself and laying on the couch i didn't realize that jude was really sick as well. i just thought he had what i had but after 3 days with a 103 degree fever and then a sudden break out in a rash, we took him to insta-care for kids only to find that he had strep throat that had turned into scarlet fever! really, i am a loving and attentive mom but somehow i missed that. who gets scarlet fever? well we do. we have really great luck! so we are just sitting here at home on carnation waiting to get better. luckily jude got a shot and will get better. i don't know so much about me.
oh and did i forget to mention what a good mom i am? while feeling sorry for myself and laying on the couch i didn't realize that jude was really sick as well. i just thought he had what i had but after 3 days with a 103 degree fever and then a sudden break out in a rash, we took him to insta-care for kids only to find that he had strep throat that had turned into scarlet fever! really, i am a loving and attentive mom but somehow i missed that. who gets scarlet fever? well we do. we have really great luck! so we are just sitting here at home on carnation waiting to get better. luckily jude got a shot and will get better. i don't know so much about me.
Saturday, November 10, 2007
Mr. Fix It & Son

anyway, its been really great for trevan because since jude watches so much bob the builder he has a few tricks up his sleeve when it comes to construction. here he is helping daddy do some framing. what would trevan do without his helper?

Tuesday, November 6, 2007
its a.....
well today i had my 19 week check up with dr. parker and everything is looking great. the bad news is that our insurance does not cover a 20 week routing ultra sound. i was a little bummed because on my last visit he said that he would probably be able to find something to deem an ultrasound necessary. turns out, i am doing perfect and he was afraid that by doing an ultrasound, aetna (our insurance company) would make us pay, which would be like $500. he said later on he may be able to do one but not yet. i know i should be happy we are both doing great but i wanted to see my baby RIGHT NOW.
SO i called trevan all upset and he suggested what i was already thinking which is going to the mall to one of the places there and finding out what we were getting. GREAT! i was so excited so jude, trevan, and i hit up fetal studio and what we found (or didn't find) was that we are having a GIRL!!!!!!! we got a pretty sure shot like 3 times and pretty confident we are getting a sister bear.
i was shocked, even though i already thought i was having a girl because of my giant acne face. i am not sure what to do with a girl but i think i will figure it out. jude is pretty excited and loves to carry around the little picture they give you and just says "sister baby". so there you have it, we will have a little prilly princess joining our family.
SO i called trevan all upset and he suggested what i was already thinking which is going to the mall to one of the places there and finding out what we were getting. GREAT! i was so excited so jude, trevan, and i hit up fetal studio and what we found (or didn't find) was that we are having a GIRL!!!!!!! we got a pretty sure shot like 3 times and pretty confident we are getting a sister bear.
i was shocked, even though i already thought i was having a girl because of my giant acne face. i am not sure what to do with a girl but i think i will figure it out. jude is pretty excited and loves to carry around the little picture they give you and just says "sister baby". so there you have it, we will have a little prilly princess joining our family.
Monday, November 5, 2007
mommie is a little bit tarded

so to make a long story short i received 5 stitches in my thumb and did a little bit of nerve damage on my left hang side of my thumb. i can't seem to feel it when i touch it. the doctor said everything will heal fine. i just have to laugh because if its not one thing its another. not to mention i have been sick with a cold for 2 weeks and now it has settled in my chest and throat. i love being sick and pregnant.
FYI......pampered chef apple slicers are VERY sharp
Sunday, November 4, 2007
happy happy 2 2 to to jude jude

Thursday, November 1, 2007
Good Things Jude-tah

holiday fashions
(don't' worry he is towards the beginning of the segment)
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