'twas the eve of jude's 2nd birthday and all through the house balloons were floating across the wood floor......

jude got to open his presents from us bright and early. he was a little excited about his new kitchen. he kept on saying "thank you, thank you" over and over.

getting used to unwrapping.....

jude got some good kitchen time in before we headed off to church

jude's party was bob the builder themed. now, if you look at my sister robyn's blog you will notice she threw a similar party for tuck on his 3rd birthday. its a little bit funny because both boys LOVE bob the builder, scoop, muck, and dizzy & their birthdays are a day apart. its even funnier when you think about how much i LOVED tucker, really it was a concern of mine that i would never love my own son as much as robyn's. so maybe i copied or maybe i just wanted the throw a bob birthday party..... who knows? all i know is that it was a huge success.

one of the perks of having a birthday 4 days after halloween is that you can dress up as your favorite person for your birthday really easily.

jude showing us that he is "t-uuuuuuuuu"

no one knows what we are going to do with all of his new toys. a lot of them were plus size toys. good thing the basement is almost done.

enjoying his cake and ice cream
HAPPY 2ND BIRTHDAYbeautiful beautiful boy
Such a sweet, sweet two year old! Could he look any more excited??? I don't think so. Happy Birthday, darling boy! XOXO Nannie
ReplyDeleteHappy birthday Jude. I love how excited he looks for his new kitchen. You have such a cute little boy.
ReplyDeleteHappy Birthday Jude! Thanks for have such an awesome party!
J U D E <3!!!!
ReplyDeletei love him, love him, LOVE him! it's a little crazy he is two actually... this last year flew by, hopefully this new baby is half as cute as jude!!!!
love you jew, juuuudessss, and juDDe!
I LOVE the picture of him with the kitchen...It looks like you threw a mean bash! You can never go wrong wiht at little Bob the Builder!