i have long since dreaded the fact that jude would be with out food or drink from midnight on. this is standard procedure but jude hasn't been so devoted to his juice on prior visits. he kind of lives for his 3 parts water 1 part juice sippy cup. the morning of, he woke up at 7:30 yelling from his room "juice mama!". if this was any indication of how the day was going to go then it was going to be a really long day. luckily i had ordered this really gay little people easter train he saw in a catalog that he was dying for this exact occasion. i told him it was his surpise and he couldn't open it until we picked up dad @ 8:30. once we got trev and opened up the train he was okay. he kept asking for his juice but i just kind of ignored him and never told him he couldn't have it because then all hell would break loose. luckily we made it through that obstacle. it was my biggest fear of the day.
jude was excited to be out and about with mama and daddy and his new little people train, even when we got to the hospital. however, once we got upstairs he figured out where we were. he kept saying "no, i won doe home" and then when he saw the doors open and the nurse coming in he started screaming. i guess he remembered...... he fought us the whole walk back to the operating room and sobbed to go home. it was officially the worst feeling ever, knowing he knew what was going on and that we were just going to subject him to it no matter what he requested. i think i know that what we are doing is best for him, i hope so.
i mentioned last time he had surgery that they suggested we give him versed as soon as we got there and that was an answer to everyones prayers. after weighing him (28 lbs) they dosed him with versed and within 15 minutes he was having a gay old time. seriously he was STONED! he kept bobbing his head and saying "whoa" really slowly and just laughing. we would ask him questions only to get an answer 15 seconds delayed. he was pretty cute and snuggly as well. when the anesthesiologist came to take him away he didn't even hesitate but just said "bye bye mama."
all and all the surgery went great. he had a harder time waking up because of the versed but he did okay. it was the first time i have seen his actual IV, its usually out of there before they bring us back. it made me kind of nauseous that my baby had to have one. he kept telling us "ouey" again and really wanted his IV out of his foot. once we left to operating room he started doing a little better, he still cried a lot. the most heart wrentching thing of the day was him whimpering for us to "tiss it better" and to know that this time that remedy would not work. he slept the way home, ate a little bit at lunch, and once we got home he slept for 4 hours. he seems to be okay and as long as we stay on top of his pain meds i think we will survive. sometimes i think "what kind of mother puts her kids through this every 3 months?" and i don't know the answer.
hopefully no scars this time and no infections. until next time you nasty pulse dye laser.......
judge me for him having his binki still but it is still a huge comfort for him. one day i will have the heart to take it from him, hopefully.