What is his name? trevan malcolm gregory
How long have we been together? almost 6 yearsHow long did we date? too long. we met in 2002 and were instantly attached at the hip. one dear john, a lot of growing up, and 2 years later were married.
How old is he? 26 years old.
Who eats more? i would love to say him but probably me? really it depends. trevan is way more health conscious than i am. sometimes i try and can be good but trev natually likes healthy food. his one vice is mountain dew or dr. pepper and he is off of those for now.
Who said I love you first? i did, accidentally. i think i dropped the L bomb like a week into dating. i took it back right after i said it. i had just come out of a VERY serious relationship and was used to saying it frequently. trevan was surprised but i think he reciprocated. i was really embarrassed and took it back (only to say it for real 2 weeks later).
Who is taller? trevan but only if i am not wearing any sort of heel. i always felt he was so little when i was dating him. my previous boyfriend was 6'4 and trevan on a good day is 5'9 3/4. he is the oldest in his family but by far the runt.
Who can sing better? umm, me. trevan is tone deaf when it comes to singing. for a good time sit by us at church. trevan still is self consious about his singing voice in public and mouths the words in sacrament. ALSO, for an even better time have him sing a little les mis.
Who is smarter? we both have our strengths. i am a know it all. i am more street smart but trevan understands things like finance, math, etc. and i am retarded when i comes to that.
Who does the laundry? me. trevan still has to ask me how to wash things. i know he knows how he just doesn't want to mess up. i don't mind doing the laundry and i used to be into ironing (thank you robyn & andrea). what trevan doesn't do is clean the bathroom, ever!
Who pays the bills? please. i already told you i am retarded when it comes to finance. trevan is a financial adviser after all.
Who sleeps on the right side? trevan and only because thats where my dad slept growing up. it didn't seem right for me to sleep on that side, too manly. i am even the farthest away from to door too! i still get up with jude for the most part.

Who mows the lawn? trevan. i have never mowed a lawn in my life, ever.
Who cooks dinner? me. trevan would like to know how to cook but never really tries. we both love the food network but i am the one who cooks. however, when we get a bbq this summer i am going to let trevan be the master of that.
Who drives? we both do but i prefer to drive the shorter distances, like on errands. trevan is the SLOWEST driver and i am one of the faster. you would have sworn that he was never a teenage boy by the way he drives. i am bossy when it comes to driving so if trevan gets any directions or suggestions from me he freaks out. so, to cancel out fighting sessions i try to be quiet and drive when i am feeling the need to be in control. he has free reign of the road on road trips though, yuck! don't like driving those ones.
Who is more stubborn? thats a tie. i am more dominantly stubborn. trev is the silent type.... which is worse.
Who kissed who first? i kissed trevan. some of you may know i have a problem with affection that roots from a far more serious problem. previously, i would throw up after i would kiss someone for the first time. part of it was from being nervous and the other from that "other" problem. so to get the awkwardness over i just leaned in and kissed him. my problem is usually better if i feel like i am in control. it was great and not awkward from there on out.
Who asked who out first? hard to say. i think we can both agree that it was love at first sight but i texted him after we first met and asked him if he wanted to make out. he complied. i really think it was equal though. we both were in love, i mean lust.
Who proposed? i would kill myself if i answerd me to this one. trevan asked me to marry him on april fools day. we knew we were getting married but we were just waiting for my ring to be finished. i totally did not see it coming. i had just gotten off work and gone to trevan's parents house to be with him. he was in his room in the basement in his pj's (the grinch pants to be exact) sitting on his bed. we embraced and then he gave me this grace ormonde wedding magazine i had been looking at at the store. i picked it up and he had hand cut out the perfect size hole for the ring to sit in throughout the magazine. it fell out and he asked me to marry him. it was not the most romantic but it was perfect. totally trevan.
Who has more friends? me i guess but we are kind of each other's best friend as cliche as that sounds. we both have friends from high school and some work buddies but mostly we just hang out with each other. plus, we are both abnormally close to our siblings. WHAT? we love them.
Who is more sensitive? trevan cries easily (runs in the gregory family) but i get hurt easy. hard to say.
Who has more siblings? i win. 6 to 5.
Who wears the pants? me, but they are designer jeans. trevan is the silent but strong partner. i don't get away with everything.
I escaped the tag by being an old naartjie girl! :) I miss you guys though!
ReplyDeleteI still remember when we first worked together and you told me you fell in lub with Trevan instantly..time flies!!!
WOW!! Time flies when you are having fun, hug??
ReplyDeleteYou guys are such a cute couple. I love how you guys love each other with your whole heart.