Monday, March 10, 2008

go sissy go!

had my first "up close & personal" appointment today with dr. parker. best news ever, i am dilated to a 2 and 40% effaced!!!!! this is huge for me because i never repeat NEVER dilated or did any effacement on my own with judakins. when i was induced at 39 weeks because of toxemia my body was no where near ready to deliver. needless to say, me so happy! maybe one day this pregnancy will be over. i do however realize that i could stay like this (at a 2) for 10 more weeks so i am trying not to get my hopes up too much. this also is great news for me trying to have a natural birth instead of c-section like jude. go sissy go!

p.s. and no we still have no name for her and are considering not naming her its way oo frustrating.

2 p.s. gained 8 lbs in 2 weeks, pre-toxemia signs.... wonderful. i am beginning to fill up like a water balloon yet again.


  1. Kennan--I cannot wait to meet her! Hopefully she won't take her pretty little time! :)

  2. WOOHOO! (Except for the whole toxemia thing, of course.) That will be so awesome if you can have a vbac! I hope she comes soon, but not too soon.

  3. Stay off the trampoline, you nut head! We want Sissy fully baked :)

  4. Yeah! I can't wait to meet her!
    You listen to your mommy....NO TRAMPOLINES!

  5. Yeah, thats pretty good. I can't wait to see what she'l look like.

  6. i can't wait to see her. do you already have both car seats in place? You will be a great mom of two. you can help me since roen weigh 35 lb.s. im doing something wrong.

  7. Way to go mama! I had two
    v-bacs...I hope you get to try for one. And if you stay at a 2 for 10 more weeks? LOL...that would not be good. Yay and good luck!

  8. Kenneth go for the tramp I jumped for 2 days straight with andelyn and we can't say for certain but I think she is golden. And you look hot. really love ya
