Saturday, May 31, 2008

greta the bobble head

just a little update on our gretsie. about 2 weeks ago (right after my last post) greta started shaking her head again, this time around it was worse. like when she gets going her car seat or bouncer will start shaking. the only way to explain it is to say that she looks like a bobble head, a cute bobble head, but a bobble head none the less. i knew they weren't seizures and that they are more like tremors but i was right freaked out. i have been around my fair share of newborns and i have never seen this, nor has anyone else i have talked to. so i called dr. cramer and we were back at the pediatrician's once again. we like to make it a weekly occurrence apparently.

dr. cramer watched & examined grets for about 30 minutes, he checked everything. after he was finished he sat back looked at her and just shook his head and said "i don't know what to tell you, this is beyond my area of expertise". he then told us that he was going to send us to a pediatric ophthalmologist to see if it was her eyes and if that wasn't the answer he would send us to a pediatric neurologist.

let me first say that she doesn't seem to be in any sort of pain or discomfort when she is shaking. she also does it in any situation (sad, mad, hungry, or happy) the jury is still out on whether she does it while she sleeps because i don't monitor her 24/7. sometimes she does it so hard that i cannot get her to eat and when i touch her or put my hand against her head she will just shake against it. it's just plain weird and not normal.

we went to the pediatric ophthalmologist and after some examination and watching the video i brought of her bobbling, he concluded that it was not her eyes that was causing these tremors. he dilated her eyes and checked them and said she had a perfectly healthy eyes. because she is so young he could not tell how much she can see but her eyes are not the problem. while this is good news, it is still upsetting to not have an answer. so onto the neurologist.

last friday the 30th we went to primary children's hospital to meet with dr. filloux a pediatric neurologist. because my lovely gretzel does not bobble on demand and has bit of stage fright it seems, he too had to watch her do it on the video. he repeated many of the test that the previous doctors had done, including reflexes, an eye check, and neck strength. he felt all of those things were normal and because its so varied at this young age whether they are hitting milestones that was irrelevant. he wasn't sure what it was either. dr. filloux did notice that her head movements were a little abnormal, even when she wasn't' shaking. he has seen a few cases similar to this but said the shaking is all a result of something else and not all of the cases were the same. he said "i am not overly concerned but i am concerned none the less.". he seemed pretty positive however that it was a neurological problem. he thought maybe that it was her vision but not her eyes. that there may be a problem in the part of her brain that receives the information her eyes are giving her. he thought too that maybe it would figure itself out over time (best case scenario). there were no for sure answer, just that he for sure wanted her to have an MRI so he could see what was going on. SOOOOO on june 13th greta will be having an MRI to see if they can figure our darling little girl is a bobble head.

i am not sure how i feel yet. i feel validated. i knew that this was not normal and i was glad that dr. cramer wanted to look into this and also that dr. filloux was concerned. i was afraid i would go in there and that they would think i was a hypochondriac. i am just glad that we live in a time that we can have answers to these medical questions and sometimes treatment. greta is a wonderfully amazing baby and she is so perfect in my eyes. i feel confident that everything will be okay, it's still just scary to not have answers. i can deal with whatever it is as long as i know what it is. i am nervous for the MRI, he said they were pretty heinous with babies and that the whole process will be about 4 hours because they have to sedate them. i hate it, but it's not the first time i have had to something like this with my kids. by now jude is an old pro with general anesthesia. just keep us in your prayers if you would. grets need them.

Friday, May 16, 2008

six weeks old 6 weeks old

i can't really believe that 6 weeks have passed. this little girl is an angel. i thought jude was a good baby, she is amazing. we had a 6 week check up today and here are the results:

8.8 lbs (10th percentile)
21 1/4 inches (25th percentile)

she is pretty little still, which is so foreign to me. jude was always on the big side, he is only now becoming average. most of her clothes still drown her and she still wears newborn diapers. maybe one day she will chub up, i love rolly polly babies. dr. cramer is bit concerned about her vision. she used to do this shaky thing with her head and her eyes shook too. that has stopped but she never really focuses or looks at me and he noticed that too. we are going in another 6 weeks to check her again. this problem may root from her distress when she was born and in-utero. we found out her cord pH levels were pretty low and that proves she was in major distress and we don't know for how long. a low cord pH level can sometimes cause brain damage and other problems. so we will found out in time what the long term effects of that will be on grets. par for the coarse for us. we don't have great luck. we do have great luck however in making good babies. greta is perfect and i am loving every inch of her! beautiful girl.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

trailer trash

p.s. would george bush give us our money? well, we bought this in hopes that we will get that stimulus check one day. trev has wanted a bike trailer since he bought his bike back in july and when we were at costco the other day they only had one left, we had to purchase it. jude is pretty excited about the trailer and keeps telling people that daddie pushes him on his bike. now trev can pull the kids (jude that is, grets needs to grow a little first) while i go shopping or sleep. one day when i get a bike i may join in.

funny enough, jude has wanted a helmet since trev got his bike. i guess they both got what they wanted. oh, and the those knee pads come in real handy while riding in the trailer.

..... and their off.

Saturday, May 10, 2008

uncle tammy's birthday

cam turned 24 and it was a cause for celebration. i had the novel idea that we should go miniature golfing because A: jude has never been & B: the gregory's love golf. it was muy bueno! i packed grets around in the baby bjorn and the gang played golf. i love cam and i love celebrating him even more. thank you for coming home.

jude's best picture face to date..... timeless

trev's hole in one (after that jude proceeded to say he got a hole in one at every hole. pretty sure that dropping your ball into the hole counts)

he may NOT be a natural. jk. he is amazing at golf, watch out sergio garcia.

landon's hole in one

the birthday boy and his crew

i told you we were there too!
(looking great as usual....sigh)

Friday, May 9, 2008

return with honor

so i may be a bad blogger, trevan's little brother cameron came home from his mission march 27th and i am just now blogging it. i did have a little going on though, seeing as greta was born less than a week later.

cameron was serving in the sacramento, california mission. we missed him immensely while he was gone and were so anxious for him to come home. he extended a bit and we were all upset about that. cammy was a superb missionary and we are so proud of him. i am so grateful for his willingness to go on a mission. trev did not serve a mission so i am glad that jude will have great examples of missionaries in his uncles. welcome home silly uncle tammy.

reuniting with his mama (still not sure if i will let jude out of my sight for 2 years)

jude was a little apprehensive about his uncle cam at first. he was 3 months old the last time he saw him, but watch out now landy because cam is making a run for favorite uncle. jude ADORES his tammy.

sweet rog waited his turn to welcome home is twin, i mean son.

cam's friends that he called "dirt bags" upon seeing them.

such a perfect homecoming.
i heart cam.


A-attached or single: born to be attached

B-best friends: trevman & me mom and sisters

C-cake or pie: neither, i don't do dessert so much. pass the potatoes please!

D-day of choice: saturday or sunday, toss up

E-essential item(s): kiddies, my sisters, blue cloud, and internet

F-favorite color: purple or black

G-gummy worms or bears: depends.... probably haribo gummy bears

H-hometown: highland, ut

I-indulgence: currently? root beer freezes

J-January or July: who like january? july fo shizzle!

K-kids: jude malcolm gregory (2 1/2) and greta pamela gregory (almost 6 weeks)

M-marriage date: august 12, 2004 (day after senor's birthday)

N-number of siblings: 5- bryce, brad, robyn, brooke, and peegdana

O-oranges or apples: oranges, clementines only.

P-phobias or fears: the dark, heights, and being alone.

Q-quotes: "life is what happens when you are busy making other plans" -john lennon

R-reasons to smile: my life

S-favorite season: summer and autumn, i can have two.

T-tagged friends: sisters, gj, and val

U-unknown fact about me: my life is an open book. maybe that i struggle with depression?.

V-very favorite store: i wish i was more sophisticated but really it's target. we go there probably every day. jude's requests it, sad.

W-worst habit: sleeping

X-x-ray, ultrasound, or mammogram: utlrasound to look at babies only.

Y-your favorite food: hamburgers and other nasty foods.

Z- Zodiac: scorpio

meet the kids.....sigh

i have two kids. sometimes it's weird that i even have one. i love these two and am FINALLY setteling into my routine as a mother of two.

tennis anyone?

i am so lucky to have this beautiful girl. she is mine.

jude is still obsessing over her

hey there mister blue
we're so pleased to be with you
look around see what you do
everybody smiles at you

greta and daddie
(notice their mouths? they are twins)

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

a sunday at nan's

love sundays at my mom's. today we went on a walk to my favorite childhood playground "adventure land park" (actual name). it used to be really cool with mazes, a pond, tons of trails, a brail nature walk, and a unique play place. a few years ago the city bought it from the state developmental center and it's turned to crap! holy cow it was white trash city over there. just imagine a 500 lb bald man pulled up right next to the fishing pond in a 1984 beat up mini van wearing a torn up t-shirt and suspenders with a dog on a leash in one hand and a fishing pole in the other. that is what we saw along with some other disgusting people. i won't be making a trip back there anytime soon! it was nice to be outside however!

jude trying to feed the ducks at the pond. turns out even the ducks are disgusted and have left the premises.

i kidnapped minie and did her hair for her. she looks great with a little round brushing! greta beware!

thank you dad

my kiddies

Monday, May 5, 2008

tackling suncrest

trevan has become quite the avid biker lately. he got in a car accident a few weeks ago and totaled the subaru :( . ever since he has ridden his bike to and from work everyday because we are now a one car family for the time being. that combined with his other bike rides through out the week has made him officially obsessed. dustin also got a road bike a few weeks ago. i think dustin thought it would be easier and expected to do lotoja in the fall. silly dustin.

anyway, trevan's goal for the end of the summer was to ride over suncrest to my mom's house. if you have ever driven over suncrest you know that its a little intense. as brooke said "i was tired from driving up it!". it's not that its a long ride its just a huge climb! dustin said the other day that he was going to do it and trevan jumped on board. needless to say they both did it! dustin had a little help from the jeep, after all he has only been biking for 2 weeks! we were all proud!!!!!

trevan at the summit

brooke and i were a little weary of our men doing this so we followed them for a bit and then waited at the top. did i mention i hate when trevan rides his bike? i have nightmares all the time that he is killed in a biking accident. yuck!

jude is so proud!

greta's announcement

in case you didn't get one in the mail.....
aren't they cute? brooke did an amazing job with the pictures and i did the cards. together we are quite the team!

Thursday, May 1, 2008

when you're the best of friends......

minie and greta will be best friends, wait they already are! brooke and i decided that they also are going to match whenever possible. these 2 heart breakers are exactly 9 months apart and will share many things through out the years.

minie's thighs are what dreams are made of. i love her. mins really isn't big just in comparrison to a 7 pounder. greta has yet to get the rolls of chubs i am desiring.

on a jude note, he is still THOROUGHLY enjoying his role as big brother. every morning he comes into my bed and says "where's sissy momma?". he loves gigi and i don't think he feels dethroned at all and he shouldn't, he is still my prince charming. i love this boy.