Friday, May 9, 2008

meet the kids.....sigh

i have two kids. sometimes it's weird that i even have one. i love these two and am FINALLY setteling into my routine as a mother of two.

tennis anyone?

i am so lucky to have this beautiful girl. she is mine.

jude is still obsessing over her

hey there mister blue
we're so pleased to be with you
look around see what you do
everybody smiles at you

greta and daddie
(notice their mouths? they are twins)


  1. I love the top picture in this one too...Greta loves having a big brother..the look she is giving him is adorable!!
    Hope all is well!!! :)

  2. what? when were these taken?? grete already looks older.. i'm tired of it

  3. what a cute little family. What are we both doing with 2 kids! it's crazy to have a family of 4 already!

  4. You have KIDS! I love it. I cannot wait to get my hands on that baby. I love you sister bear you are an AWESOME mom. Happy Mothers Day!

  5. What sweet little babies you have!
    I love that you, brooke and your mommy all have the same color hair!
    Your mom could be your sister!:)

  6. I love love the close up of Jude could he be any cuter? I feel the same way about being a mom sometimes it feels a little surreal. (that is the first time I have ever used that word)Greta is definately taken with her older brother. So cute

  7. Love those two little bugs! A week is too long to be away from them.
