...were born this day.

my beautiful older sister
robyn turns
30 today! robyn has been one of the best surprises of my adult life. the first 18ish years were a little touch and go for us. she wanted to mother me and boss me and i wouldn't hear of it. i was crazy and she was dramatic, not the best combination. it wasn't until we both reached out adulthood that we realized how much we loved and couldn't live without each other. she is the go to for
everything in my life, she is practically a doctor. her children are the 4 one's i didn't get to bear myself, i ADORE them. she is a terrific mother and a friend you should all have. however, don't cross someone she loves! she is loyal to a tee and will defend someone to her death. happy birthday sister bear and sorry i couldn't make it to the party, i hate i couldn't be there to laugh with you and commentate on all the amazing things. i love you.

this lovely lady is simply the best and she turns
50 today. terri is literally one of my best friends. i call her almost as much as i call my own mom and my family always says i am more gregory than williams. it may be true and mostly because of her. i would never call her an inlaw, she is just terni. she is the kindest person anyone has ever met. she is so selfless and she never puts herself first, even though she should sometimes. the best part is that she is silly too! we giggle way more than we should. she loves her grandkids with everything she is and is always there for anything we need. she is a wonderful mother to her 5 kids (and any other kids that come around). really, you won't meet someone as sweet and real as her. happy birthday to you, yaya!
Happy Birthday to both you beautiful ladies!!! You each make the world a better place in your own unique way and we are all blessed by your presence. What a great day August 24th is...and congratulations to Nate and Paige on #2!!! XOXOX
ReplyDeleteIt's about time my computer let me leave a message.
ReplyDeleteOh Robyn I still remember that wonderful phone call in 7th grade what was that name she called me? That is real love she sure stuck up for you. Haha I love Robyn I got over that a couple years ago.