Saturday, February 28, 2009

while gil's away

gywn and jude will play.

because of gil's fall from the window and resulting life flight to salt lake, jude got to have some quality time with his favorite girl gwyn (minie need not feel left out because she is more like a appendage to jude than a cousin). i had gwyn for about 6 hours on thursday and there where high and lows, mostly because jude is still heavily reliant upon a nap and didn't get one that day equalling some major breakdowns/violence. all and all these 2 got along famously and grets loved having a 2nd mother in gwyn. i am however grateful that i don't deal with two 3 year olds day in and day out. (good luck to you julie in a few years!)


  1. How cute is that???? Two of my favorite people chillin' at the Gregs. Adorable!! XOXO

  2. Ahh....these are darling pictures! Thanks so much for taking her that day...whatever day that was. Thanks for keeping my blog up and going, and most of all thanks for being at the hospital when we arrived from lifeflight! I really needed a little support with out Bob. I love you you.!

  3. ha ha, thanks! I was watching ONE little boy run his mom ragged during church and thought, I'm screwed!

    i really do hope that march (and the rest of the year) bring better luck to you guys. I can't believe it has just been one thing after the other! hang in there!
