i was worried, it seemed jude would never learn to pedal. just when i was ready to give up and had told his friend mari that he couldn't pedal he did it. he is a pedaler. its adorable. now if he can just give up his binki (sigh...good mom i know) we can reward him with a real bike. for know his batman motorcycle will have to do. adorable boy.

jude's cycling outfit was his choice. he felt he should match his dad. you should know that jude will do no bike riding what so ever without this garb and its getting a little old. i love him.
knee pads .... check
(trevan wants you all to know that he however does not wear knee pads)
this little darling was so happy to watch her brother show off from her playpen in our carport.
when trevan came home from work he saw me lighting up the BBQ, the playpen set up, 2 lawn chairs, and jude's big wheel all in our carport and wondered if we could get more white trash..... i said yes we could have a trailer and a tarp.
loves me a little white city.

and yes jude is "that" cool.