Tuesday, April 14, 2009

can we talk pre-school?

umm, no one told me how expensive pre-school is. turns out we are not millionaires nor do we have an extra $150-250 laying around to spare each month for jude to go to pre-school. its ridiculous. i live in salt lake county and grew up in utah county and have no idea what pre-schools are good. i also, being a first time mother with jude did not know you needed to get your kids name on a list after they pulled him out of me. i totally value jude's education but unless we come into some serious money my kids are going to go to....gasp.... public school and although it would be nice for jude to count to 5000 and read the dictionary before kindergarten its not necessary. all i am wanting is somewhere for jude to go 2x a week in the afternoon, play with friends, learn a little obedience, and maybe spell his name. i guess that type of pre-school does not exist anymore and if it does it comes with a hefty price tag. jeez. i feel like such a bad mother for not looking into these things sooner. 

please help....


  1. Does it cost that much for the early intervention one???? I have been REALLY happy with the program so far. Jack comes home with the cutest projects every day and has been learning a lot. And it's very structured, so it would be great for Jude as far as learning to follow a routine/ obedience.

  2. Oh, and I forgot it was shipment yesterday, and you forgot to remind me. But I've been way sick anyway. I'm almost better, so we need to play soon. We're available Friday, and then Jack's off track for the next two weeks.

  3. My friend Rachel has a preschool...if you click on her link on my blog (Nate Rachel & Kids) I think she has a link to the preschool blog. Its called Busy Bugs. She is amazing, and I love her to pieces, and I don't think it is super expensive. I'm not sure that she has openings, but its worth chatting with her about! :) Good Luck!!

  4. PS...The Preschool that I work for down here is about $550 a month! (Thats on a payment plan too!) So, I totally hear what you are saying!

  5. And another comment from me! She didn't have the link, so I found it on one of her posts:

  6. Remember Diana? She used to do a co-op thing with several different mom's twice a week. It was brilliant because the mom's all took turns teaching. Maybe you could find a couple friends to do that? I don't know. All I know is Jordan told me how much it was, and my uterus sealed off.

  7. you're joking me, right? Why have I been thinking prescchool was free or maybe 250 for the YEAR. there are quite a few moms in my ward that do that co-op thing, and now I see why...but are you ready for five 4 yr olds at your house?

    Thanks for the heads up!

  8. Ya I am sweating preschool now! Holy cow. I had no idea! This isn't Harvard. Looks like homeschool for me :)

    ** I had no idea you work at Naartji. I would have no money if I worked there. I freakin love that place!

  9. Barter, K-dig...pre-school for Naartjie discounts or Christmas cards, baby announcements, etc.??

  10. That's all!! My co-worker spends $950 a month for pre-school and 13 years ago, I paid $600 per month for pre-school and I worked there!!


  11. I plan to boycott private schools and charter schools (unless we end up in the ghetto somewhere) Especially in Utah, I feel like public schools are good enough. We seem to have made it through ok.
    that price is ridiculous...who pays that????????

  12. If you want to drive to Lehi, I just signed River up for a T/Th class that's $70.00 a month. Let me know if you want more info.

  13. Kennan... I am with you. What people pay for pre-school is RIDICULOUS. I refuse. I won't do it. Since when should pre-school cost as much as a semester of college? Anyway... if you live anywhere near Brighton High school, they have a great little preschool program that is two days a week (3 hours each day) on either T/TH or W/F. High school students are the teachers and then another teacher (a grown up) oversees the teachers. Anyway, my niece LOVES it, and the best part... it's $300 FOR THE YEAR.

    Don't feel like a bad mom for not looking into this sooner. Just be glad you're not a yuppy who's breaking the bank for preschool. :)

    Good luck.

  14. I decided my word "yuppy" was too harsh. To anyone who read my comment and your child is in a pricey preschool, you're not a yuppy, just... richer than me.

  15. Wish I could help. I was equally mortified when I tried to sign Jane up for preschool. Why does no one think to tell us these things?

    For next time, check out Alta High School's preschool. I don't know how hard it is to get into at this point, but they got twice a week and the cute high school girls teach them. All my friends have really liked it. Good luck.

  16. yup - I hear ya! That is why Rachel doesn't go!:) It is ridiculous I tell ya! I started looking into it for Zach in April, thinking I had all the time in the world.....WRONG WAS I! I was told most places start booking up in DECEMBER!!! I was SHOCKED! GOod luck!

  17. Preschool is quite ridiculous. I already have Jax on a waiting list and he is #18 for freaking 2012! It is insane that you have to be ready for preschool and know where you want to go like 2 years in advance. Maybe I should start teaching preschool. It would be quite the income!

  18. I told Cam we needed to start thinking about preschool for Ben and he thought I was crazy. Apparently, we're already behind though. Sigh.

  19. Wow, I need to get on this now, I guess. Heather was looking into options for Mari, so she probably has some good info. I've heard that going the local high school route is pretty cheap, I don't know the exact price, though.

  20. we did brighton high preschool also. way WAY cheap and great.

  21. fyi.... local high schools book out about a year out. would have been nice to know 6 months ago. OH they are around 75 a month i hear too.

  22. Miss Shirley has all day pre-school if you want to live with that blown up story until you die. The tuition comes with a free latch key that you hang over you kids neck.

  23. Kennan, I put kyler in a preschool that is at the elementary for kids with disabilities. They want typically developing kids as role models. So the tuition is cheap, based on your income. I only paid $20 a month. WHAT A DEAL! Most the kids in his class just were a bit behind in their speach. They teach at a normal pre-k level. Kyler is already doing subtractions and sounding out words. It has been great to teach him discipline and social skills too. I would call the school district special ed and ask if any of the classes are looking for typically developing students. It has been totally great! and more than affordable!

  24. So public school isn't good enough for your child? suck it up and find some money for pre-school. Sit back, read your blog and all it consists of is MONEY, MONEY, MONEY. You know nobody wants to read how POOR you are all the time, do you think you are the only one without money? Get a grip, this is the thing we call LIFE! LIVE IT, LOVE IT!

  25. anon.... thats amazing. thank you for your wisdom. gorge, really.

  26. Ummm...anon should take their own advice. LIFE! LIVE IT, LOVE IT! and try really hard to find the good in people, especially if you haven't walked in their shoes. Really...amazing!

  27. Hey Anon-
    First of all if you are going to be so judgemental and rude at least be honest enough to leave your name so we can all come and judge your blog and life. Secondly, if you don't like what's written on this honest blog quit checking her blog out. Third, you are lame!

  28. Ditto on the lame. Come on people, really! There is a preschool out by us that is $90. Still pricey but a little better then what you were talking about. I'm with ya though. Who would have thought that there would be huge waiting lists. The school is called Sunshine Square and you can check out their site at www.sunshinesquarepreschool.com. There is also a house down the street from us somewhere that is only $65, I've been told. If you want, when I found out more info, I can let you know about that.
