... are simply the greatest. i know everyone says that of their mother's but of course i think mine and trevan's truly are the best. we were both lucky enough to grow up in homes with mothers that loved their children with everything that they were. our mom's 'mothering techniques' were quite the same. both terri and my mom loved being mothers and didn't let anything come in the way of them raising their children. between them they raised 11 amazing children that all adore their mothers.

of course, i am a little partial to my mother. she is nannie after all, everyone loves nannie. my biggest nightmare in life is losing her. i need my mom, sometimes even more than my children and husband. she is my beacon of light and strength. she is a forever optimist when it comes to us kids and is always our biggest advocate (please do not do something to hurt her children for your own safety). she is always on our side even when we are wrong. as children my mom let be whoever we wanted to be from dance, to soccer, to baseball, to karate (thanks robyn), to harp, to art classes, to acting, to debate, to piano, to anything else we showed an interest in. she did whatever possible to make our dreams happen for us. i can honestly say growing up i never wanted for anything and that is because of this woman's love and of course my dad's support. through out the last year her role in my life has become even more important, with greta's struggles sometimes the only arms i want to hold me is my mother's. something about her loving arms and quiet understanding soothes me like no other. my mom is amazing, i adore her. she is my best friend and she is beautiful inside and out.

yaya.... she is so adorable. i remember when i was first dating trevan i was so afraid to meet is mother. they way he talked about her and spent time with her, i was afraid she would hate me and that to trevan i would never be as wonderful as his mother. it was the relief of my life when i met the gregory's. i instantly fell in love (almost faster than i did with their son) with them. rog and terri are the perfect balance of all things wonderful. terri is so selfless when it comes to her kids, she does everything and anything they ask. the lunch dates and "bumming around" that the gregory's children do with terri is priceless to them. i am afraid none of them will ever leave the nest with their mother because life is so perfect there. i only got trevan out by marrying him and telling him that "no, we can not live in their basement.". still to this day its hard to pull trevan away from there.... fine, its hard to pull myself away, we just want to be with these people. my mom always jokes that i am more gregory than williams and frankly i think i am, i love the greg's. i can honestly say there is no better mother in-law than my terni. i can easily call her one of my best friends and i love to spend time with her (probably to her chagrin i am sure). i am forever grateful to call her my own.
so happy belated mother's day you two lovelies....
Thanks for the sweet words...and not so much for the disgusting photo :( I love you....XOXOXO
ReplyDeletebut the picture of kenna is great.....ditto on the mom stuff!
ReplyDeletep.s. why is that karate stuff always being brought up? didn't every 15 year old girl start karate?