Sunday, July 5, 2009

our 4th of july

because we party from dawn until {way past} dusk on the 4th this may be my biggest post yet. i love this holiday for everyone reason possible, its mcmazing.

the day started off at nannie's for the hidden oaks annual parade and breakfast. this year was the first year that the mike williams family participated and we came big! we borrowed "big tex" from dustin's parents and decorated it full force. we even decorated the jeep into a patriotic party jeep. inspirational music was blared though the jeep's speakers as we drove through the neighborhood. the kids loved being on a float and we were happy to have roen join us on the float, he is after all basically our nephew.
dustin in the party jeep

our girls were in their homemade 4th of july outfits. yeah, we made them, we are so crafty like that. unfortunately, i didn't get any more pictures of the girls in the dresses besides this so it will how to suffice. needless to say they were magnificent.

such wonderful hosts.... papa mike and nannie.

after the parade and breakfast we blew back up dustin's "sidewinder falls" and a great time was had by all. i wish i had more pictures to document this because dustin attacking the slide in my dad's whitey tighties is something that needed to be seen.

as much crap that i have given dustin for purchasing a $500 blow up water slide for min's birthday it sure did come in handy and both the real kids and the adult kids loved themselves a little sidewinder falls. this will be at every family function for the rest of the summer.

after a long summers nap we were up to sugarhouse park for the annual gregory/kailan 4th of july festivities. this party has been going on for about 24 years and it may or may not be my favorite gregory tradition to date.

this is greta's other 4th of july outfit i made. i LOVE this style of children's clothing, the vintage 50-60's look. i ordered a bunch of vintage patterns online and have been loving making greta some adorable little numbers.

this picture totally captures my jude.

sweet prets lost her bow as soon as we got there. i was a little sad but she still seems to manage looking cute without a bow. look at that drool!

only the best grandma's know to bring a toy to make a 3 year old the happiest boy on earth.  {side note: jude's version of the transformers theme song is slightly reminiscent of frank sinatra, and its hilarious.}

i told you she was close to crawling!

our yaya

greta loves her uncles, each and everyone of them. i am pretty sure she has every gregory male wrapped around her finger, including her older brother.

the gregory clan.... its been 3 years since we have all been together on the 4th. now if some of them would get married we could have some cousins in the mix.

yaya and papa

bubby and grets

the 5 gregory kids. 

landon, brennan, trevan, cameron, and morgan

the kalian clan. 

in less than a month all their family will be complete again and i am sure they cannot wait until next year when their party will almost match the gregory's number.

7 fourth of july's and still head over heels....

i hope your 4th of july was as fantabuous as ours!


  1. look at you and your sewing skills! I am impressed!! glad you guys had such a fun 4th!

  2. Great post! I need a copy of that pix of adorable. And ser...Grets is too cute for words. It was a great day, wasn't it???

  3. Ugh! I L.O.V.E. Greta's 4th of July outfit! And even though I can't see all of the first outfit - the material is darling.
    And you need to get Jude's rendition of the Transformers theme on video - the public needs to see it!

    Happy 4th!

  4. H O private neighborhood had NO idea what hit them

    we are gorge.

    as are all the gregory boys showing off their guns.





  5. what an eventful day!!! You put my family to shame!:)
    I LOVE your pictures and of course that FABULOUS outfit of cute gretsie!:)

  6. I don't even know why...but you guys on a float cracks me up every single time. Come here next year and we can make a really special float to drive around town.
