Monday, April 4, 2011

good morning.

everyone needs a little bit of ezra in the morning.

i like our lazy mornings... they make for much less stressful days.


  1. Cash had those same monkey jammies!!

  2. Lovin' that picture of Ez and Greta...what is that look he has??? Hilarious!
    Wish we could have seen you our last trip up! I have another one coming soon...can we plan a get together??
    Hope all is well!

  3. I LOVE lazy mornings as well! SUch cute pictures. I bet they just adore their lil brother huh? Ez is so so so delish. I could eat him.

  4. All of your kids are beautiful Kennan- that Ezra is just about the most handsome little dude I have ever seen. What a doll!
