things around these parts have been a bit 'cray-cray' lately. i have been meaning to blog, even taking pictures to do so but life happened.... SO instead of making a bunch a lovely little posts, i am to make one gorge long one.
first off... my kids love themselves some new jammies and they love to match even more. thank you carter's for making this possible on every front. nannie stopped by to kiss my kiddies goodnight on her way home from granny billie's and since we were all monkeyed out, we had to take a picture.
them are some damn cute kids.
the other day brooke and dustin needed me to watch their kids for a bit while they attended to some biznass. 5 kids under 5 sounded daunting but i was up to the task. after all, its minie and poppy, who an resist? we had a fabulous afternoon of dressing up (poppy started it), hide-n-seek, and red rover.
here they are.... the fabulous 4.
minie, greta, jude, and poppy.
have you met poppy? she is 7 shades of amazing. i love this girl. oh, and she rivals jude in her love for dress-ups(among other things). i am not quite sure what she is suppose to be, but she is working it.
greta the fairy-butterfly and fancy nancy minie.
not to be outdone... jude worked it as a ninja turtle.
mother's day came and went too.
it was a perfect day.
this bookmark will be near and dear to my heart forever and ever.
they will be worn daily.
mother's day dinner @ yaya's.
fun fact: i am not one of the skinny's.....
why the crap am i one of the mom's that doesn't loose her baby weight in a timely fashion, especially when nursing. i mean that was one of the main reasons i didn't give up nursing in those first few miserable weeks. vain? yes. true? absolutely. also, why did i get the shaft on the skinny gene's? it's fun to be the fat sister.
so i started weight watchers.
its been a week and i am down 7 lbs.... here's to 20 more.
not enjoyable.
every time greta has had a 'foopy' diaper in the past 3 months, trevan would mutter "when are you going to be potty trained?". jerk. i finally got took the hint and bit the bullet, she is 3 after all. in our defense, being a bit developmentally delayed makes it a bit more difficult for the prets. for instance, she cannot run yet, she cannot undress by herself, she still crawls up stairs, and there is no way she could climb up on a toilet unattended. all that being said, she is mentally capable of being toilet trained. with the method we use, it was really easy for jude so i was very optimistic for greta.
dolly and greta, working it out.
i regret being so optimistic. greta has not been as easy as jude. we have accidents daily. she get the whole poop thing but peeps is a bit harder. it's a headache and i hate it. sometimes she asks for diapers but we will not go back. once that door is opened, it cannot be closed. i still believe in our method, i just didn't realize how easy i had it with sir jude. i CANNOT wait until we get this down.
this is greta after a accident when driving jude to school. poor tender hearted girl, she sobbed and sobbed. i don't even get that mad, she just cannot have anyone be mad or disappointed in her.
i love her, wet pants and all.
p.s. trevan will potty train ezra.
it's only fair.
and last but certainly not least....
mr. ezra turned 3 months old.
i am in love with this boy.
i cannot believe he is 3 months old.
he is such a good baby....that is until he has had enough and then he his quite dramatic, so loud.
ezra smiles for anyone that will look at him, he loves his fists, he sleeps through the night, he is a great little nurser (i love nursing SO much), he puts up with overly loving siblings, he is my strongest baby, he love his tubbies, he is NOT a snuggler, he has one dimple (just like his siblings)he only will sleep if swaddled, he has copper hair, his glorious newborn hair is almost gone, his tongue is always going, he does not like his car seat, he rolls, he's gettin' kinda chubby, and he loves his mama.
ezzie is joy.
and now you know.
I just have to say, I LOVE your posts. And I'm quite disappointed to learn that Ezra smiles at anyone... I thought he smiled so much at me because he liked ME!!! Love you!!
ReplyDeleteLoved this post, Greta in her cute panties was so darn cute!!
ReplyDeletelove your post!! And, I love that Greta and Tillie have the same BIG GIRL PANTIES. Too funny. Good luck with the potty training---that is ALWAYS so much fun. Okay, not really. But, darling panties make it much better!
ReplyDeleteYou are inspiring me to get my butt in gear and start blogging again. Gracias in advance.
hAAA! I love that it said that AARON was posting!!! hA! not so. This is melissa. Obviously. I don't think Aaron ever uses the word "butt" or talks about cute princess panties. hAAAA! :)
ReplyDeleteHere, here....I love this post too! (With the exception of that horrific picture of me. Disclaimer: I was way tired that night and still fighting the sinus infection.) So lucky to call all those adorables my grandkids! XOXO
ReplyDeleteUh,.. Nice sweater Greta. It's weird poppy used to have one just like it
ReplyDeleteI love potty training!
I need your baby. Delicious.
ReplyDelete5 kids is a lot of kids to have hanging around. you are a brave girl.
ReplyDeletethose dress up photos are amazing.
i love my book mark too.
potty training. uhg. good luck.
ezra is stinking adorable.