Sunday, March 26, 2006

Jude's new tricks.....

Jude rolled over March 18th and his mother (me) had never been so proud. The thing is, Jude hates "tummy-time" and I don't like making him do it. I get a lot of crap for it from my sister Robyn (you know I love you sister). It seemed he would never roll over and would never sit up by himself all because we don't do "tummy-time". So one day as I was begrudingly watching him fight the floor he just rolled over, my son Jude rolled over, and right on schedule at that. So it seems that he will sit one day and maybe even walk even though his mother doesn't give him the"tummy-time" everyone keeps telling her is so important. Thank you Jude.

Another perk of being close to your family is tips on raising your child, or feeding him. Jude now eats solids and likes it thanks to some great family resources. I don't know what I would do if Robyn didn't have kids.

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