Jude's Uncle Cammy got called to serve a mission in Sacramento, California. He went to the MTC on March 8th and we were all there to see him off. Word from Cam is that he is doing well but says the food is bland. He also says we needn't worry because he is showing all the "pussies" what is up in basketball, totally appropriate.

As mentioned above Cam loves basketball and recently took up buying jerseys. Cam claims if he was 4 inches taller and had bigger hands he himself would be a professional basketball player. The night he left his brothers all put jersey's on in remembrance of "Camnutz" (and yes Trevan does look the same age as Landon).

Brennan looks like a model! I love your blog Kennan! It's so fun to see updates on your cute family and to get to know you a little better through your great writing!