we had jude's 9 month check up today and he is doing great. i really love jude's doctor. his name is dr. joseph g. cramer and he is great. he was recommended to me by my pediatrician growing up. he always remembers jude and us. he is very personable and ALWAYS makes me feel like the mother of the year (which i probably am...hehehe).
so down to business... jude weighed in at 21.5 lbs and was in 75 percentile for weight, 85th for height, and 98th for head. yes, he does have a HUGE head, no one believes me when i tell them he is only 9 mo old, i think his head size is deceiving. as far as development he is right on target, he's crawling/creeping and NO he won't pop a tooth, we like to call him dentally retarded.

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