Monday, August 7, 2006

Jackson Hole 2006

Jackson Hole has been a part of my family longer than I have. My parents went on the their honeymoon there 33 years ago and we are still visiting there today. I have lots of fond memories of Jackson, there have been numerous strolls around downtown, drives to the Jackson Lake Lodge, Old Faithful in Yellowstone, the Bunnery, and of course Teton Village. This year marks me and Trevan's 3rd visit in our 4 years together.

The only down thing is my parents have 6 kids and with 6 kids not everyone can always come. This year my parents, Brad and Vanessa, Brooke and Dustin, my cousin Mark, Trevan and I, and of course JUDAKINS went. I love going on vacations with Jude, I have said it before, he is the best baby traveler in the history of babies. We had a lot of laughs and made a lot of memories, although we rarely saw my Dad who was busy fishing. Our family vacations always are made up of a lot of nighttime games. The most popular being Rummy. It gets competitive and some people are all business and some people are there just to annoy (Dustin.....thats right RedMan). We even had a coloring contest this year. Jude was the only one under 20 and he didn't even participate, so it was pretty funny. All in all, we a blast and I love being with family.

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