Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Halloween 2006

Jude was Squirt the Sea Turtle from Finding Nemo.
with Uncle Lando the Nerd

We had our 2nd Annual Murder Dinner Party this year. Since we are too old to go trick or treating but still love dressing up we do these parties. This years theme was "The Icicle Twist" and was set at a ski resort in 1984. I was a Doctor, Trevan was a Body-Builder, Brooke was a Flight Attendent, Dustin was a Ski Shop Owner, Paige was an Heiress, Brad was a Detective, Nannie was a Party Girl, and my Dad was the Head of the Security Department. Of course my Mom goes above and beyond the call of duty and prepares a delictable meal with a course for ever chapter of the murder. We are already looking forward to next years event.

Gabi in her Fairy Costume


  1. Trevan....wow............what can I say.

  2. This was a really fun night. Kennan we love your blog, thanks for taking a picture of our little angel.

    Brad & Nessa
