jude has had a bit of a problem with his ears since he has been born. he has had 13 ear infections in 18 months. my doctor suggested tubes about 4 months ago so we went and saw the
ENT and he concurred with
jude's pediatrician, tubes were the way to go. we scheduled the appointment and then i got a little hesitant about
jude having to have "another" surgery under general
anesthesia so we cancelled. then of course shortly there after
mr. man came down with 2 more ear infections. i knew then it was the only option for us.
so we went to primary
children's hospital to have tubes put in
jude's ears. he did really well, and was the most well behaved child there. he didn't fight anything they gave him and took it all in stride. the staff seem surprised about how well he was
handling it all, not crying after waking up from GA. little did they know he is an old pro at the hospital routine, he can take it all. he is my
higgley town hero for today!