well look who it is!!!!! mr. judamakins is 18 months old. at his checkup he was diagnosed with being perfect, its a very rare condition but somehow we will cope. just kidding. he was just jude, 25 lbs and one huge head. his height and weight are in the 50th percentile (for all you parents out there) and his cranium was in the 95th. we know head size has nothing to do with intellect but it may have something to do with us being great looking, excellent parents. how lucky is jude? we love jude and in all honesty he is up to par with all the things that a 18 mo. old should be doing. he is normal and thats all i want, that and to be happy.
p.s. we do not beat our child
i DO think his head has a lot to do with your fabulous good looks... i've always said that
ReplyDeleteI just knew he had a chronic case of Perfection!!! So glad you have accepted it and are learning to live with it. I lub him!!!