Saturday, May 12, 2007

going to the cemetery

the greg's decided that they would visit rog's mother's grave and bring her a lily for mother's day and asked if we wanted to join them. we happily accepted but only after we got some yard work done (sigh). it was a fun saturday night and there were many laughs including me spilling a diet coke all over myself on the drive home (again). i love my in-laws!

we will rise to the east together!

mother and son

i climbed a tree and was joined by my 2 favorite monkey's


  1. Do you see dead people? Maybe that's why Jack's so afraid of you..... ;)

  2. I love the Greggor's. And I love your blog. It's the only way I can keep up with what you are all doing! Would you please blog your cute new house, too? Love you all - BJ

  3. Hey girl!
    Thanks for calling me yesterday! I miss my gals at Naartjie!!! you are the best blogger ever! It makes me smile every time!

  4. There is definetly something wrong with you! I can't believe you got Terri to Rise from the East:p
