Wednesday, July 23, 2008

the 24th of july....

our family tradition on the 24th of july (utah statehood holiday) is to hit up the salt lake bee's game. we go with trevan's family, its a good time for all to be had. the food.... please, does it get any better? trevan loves baseball, i love people watching, and jude get's to be with his peeps. everyone goes home happy.

sort of a worthless holiday but a holiday none the less. he makes all things better.


  1. i'm needing every second of that first picture of jude...

    come on over judey!

  2. Can't wait for Tuesday Night!!!

  3. You guys always do so many fun things - you make me sick!!!!:)
    Oh, and how come you always look so darn good in your pictures? have I mentioned you make me sick??? Oh lookie, there's my lou lou!!!!! Tell her "hi" for me!
