Friday, July 4, 2008

the 4th of july (picture city)

4th of july is the perfect holiday..... and ours was terrific.

we started the day off @ 5:30 with the hot air balloon festival in provo

out of focus but oh so perfect!

gretsie loves hot air balloons.

then it was breakfast and the neighborhood parade at nannie's....
pretty sure brooke missed viewed the whole day through a camera lens. come to think of it thats how she view most days.

miranda (12 years)

asher (8 years)

of course jude was rockin' a sweet 4th of july outfit

after a LONG nap it was off to sugarhouse park w/ the greg's for their annual party with the kailen's
we decided that this lawn mower train was something that jude needed to partake of....
... he agreed.

no you cannot borrow my headband!

poor jude was sick with a dumb cold the whole day. he just wasn't himself as you can tell in this picture. he is being a mouth breather because his nose is so clogged.

a little bocce for the boys

quite possibly my favy picture of my daughter

yaya and her grandbabies

my cam.... will someone marry him already so we can all be best friends?

until next time my dearest holiday!


  1. Love the shot of you and Jude in red, and Greta smiling. And where is Miranda at 12??? What a great day!

  2. I love the picture where you are holding cute Greta's head up..the look on her face is so cute!! :)
    Glad you had a wonderful 4th!!!

  3. i love that picture of me...

    it is totally how i shoot.. cowboy hat and all

  4. So you and your kids and Trevan all beautiful! I love the Jude pic in the stroller. and you and Greta wow.
