i would like to be
all the things that i see other people being or doing, mostly on blogs. i can't decide if
blurking (blog stalking) is a good or bad thing for me. sometimes i am just really jealous of people (and i shouldn't be) and other times i am fed up with all the "fluff" that people blog about (i.e. perfect husbands, well behaved children, wealth, fashion ideas, and other fluffy things) i know, i know, its their blog and they can do what they want to do with it but come on, no one's life is
that perfect. i want real, i want grit, i want something i can relate to.
as for me and my blog, we are real. i am not perfect and i don't want anyone to think i am, i like my imperfections, they make me ME and although i don't always like myself, it is who i am. besides, i have entirely too much drama in my life to be fluffy.
so after a late night of blogging (lets be honest.... all my nights are late with blogging) i decided i was a terrible mother and wife for all of the things that i am not and most likely never will be. the list as is follows:
-i am not a clean person. my house is pretty much always slightly messy, never disastrous, never spotless.
-i don't make dinner nearly as often as i should.
-i get angry with my kids(
jude) and sometimes say naughty things.
-i am not skinny
-we are in debt
-my fashion sense is boring
-i don't take beautiful pictures
-i am not educated
trevan and i constantly bicker
-i am overly opinionated
-i sleep way too much
-i will never be the mom that bakes cookies with their kids.... i don't like cookies.
-i tell white lies to
jude-i don't promote healthy eating habits for my kids (what can i say, i love mcdonalds)
-the t.v. sometimes babysits my kids while i am on the
internet-i am not cool or unique, totally ordinary
-i might be a bad wife and an even worse friend
-i suffer from depression and anxiety
the list goes on and on and on and on. however, as i was slipping into bed at 2am i leaned over to give
trevan a kiss goodnight and he gently whispered "good night baby, thanks for all that you do for us." as if he read my mind. so i guess i am not all bad and i am glad that
trevan and the 2
adorables love me, even for all the things that i am not.