i would like to be all the things that i see other people being or doing, mostly on blogs. i can't decide if blurking (blog stalking) is a good or bad thing for me. sometimes i am just really jealous of people (and i shouldn't be) and other times i am fed up with all the "fluff" that people blog about (i.e. perfect husbands, well behaved children, wealth, fashion ideas, and other fluffy things) i know, i know, its their blog and they can do what they want to do with it but come on, no one's life is that perfect. i want real, i want grit, i want something i can relate to.
as for me and my blog, we are real. i am not perfect and i don't want anyone to think i am, i like my imperfections, they make me ME and although i don't always like myself, it is who i am. besides, i have entirely too much drama in my life to be fluffy.
so after a late night of blogging (lets be honest.... all my nights are late with blogging) i decided i was a terrible mother and wife for all of the things that i am not and most likely never will be. the list as is follows:
-i am not a clean person. my house is pretty much always slightly messy, never disastrous, never spotless.
-i don't make dinner nearly as often as i should.
-i get angry with my kids(jude) and sometimes say naughty things.
-i am not skinny
-we are in debt
-my fashion sense is boring
-i don't take beautiful pictures
-i am not educated
-trevan and i constantly bicker
-i am overly opinionated
-i sleep way too much
-i will never be the mom that bakes cookies with their kids.... i don't like cookies.
-i tell white lies to jude
-i don't promote healthy eating habits for my kids (what can i say, i love mcdonalds)
-the t.v. sometimes babysits my kids while i am on the internet
-i am not cool or unique, totally ordinary
-i might be a bad wife and an even worse friend
-i suffer from depression and anxiety
the list goes on and on and on and on. however, as i was slipping into bed at 2am i leaned over to give trevan a kiss goodnight and he gently whispered "good night baby, thanks for all that you do for us." as if he read my mind. so i guess i am not all bad and i am glad that trevan and the 2 adorables love me, even for all the things that i am not.

as for me and my blog, we are real. i am not perfect and i don't want anyone to think i am, i like my imperfections, they make me ME and although i don't always like myself, it is who i am. besides, i have entirely too much drama in my life to be fluffy.
so after a late night of blogging (lets be honest.... all my nights are late with blogging) i decided i was a terrible mother and wife for all of the things that i am not and most likely never will be. the list as is follows:
-i am not a clean person. my house is pretty much always slightly messy, never disastrous, never spotless.
-i don't make dinner nearly as often as i should.
-i get angry with my kids(jude) and sometimes say naughty things.
-i am not skinny
-we are in debt
-my fashion sense is boring
-i don't take beautiful pictures
-i am not educated
-trevan and i constantly bicker
-i am overly opinionated
-i sleep way too much
-i will never be the mom that bakes cookies with their kids.... i don't like cookies.
-i tell white lies to jude
-i don't promote healthy eating habits for my kids (what can i say, i love mcdonalds)
-the t.v. sometimes babysits my kids while i am on the internet
-i am not cool or unique, totally ordinary
-i might be a bad wife and an even worse friend
-i suffer from depression and anxiety
the list goes on and on and on and on. however, as i was slipping into bed at 2am i leaned over to give trevan a kiss goodnight and he gently whispered "good night baby, thanks for all that you do for us." as if he read my mind. so i guess i am not all bad and i am glad that trevan and the 2 adorables love me, even for all the things that i am not.

hey kennan, just wanted to let u kno tht allll those things r why we LOVE u. if we didnt then there would be no ways to explain when i have a kennan moment where my dad feels like hes in the room with u. ur so amazing and unique, u have wonderful fashion and btw ur about the most not boring person ive ever met theres no way i couldnt have fun with u!!!!
ReplyDeletestill missing u and asher says tht blankey misses u tooo!!
from: mirabelle
hey kennan, just wanted to let u kno tht allll those things r why we LOVE u. if we didnt then there would be no ways to explain when i have a kennan moment where my dad feels like hes in the room with u. ur so amazing and unique, u have wonderful fashion and btw ur about the most not boring person ive ever met theres no way i couldnt have fun with u!!!!
ReplyDeletestill missing u and asher says tht blankey misses u tooo!!
from: mirabelle
I think we pretty much could be soul mates (besides your fab hubby, of course). You just described me to a tee. And I'm pretty amazing, so that means you are, too! ; ) Luf you! Let's play!
ReplyDeleteI love your list because it completely describes me. Every single one except for the sleeping. But trust me, I would sleep, if my children only would.
ReplyDeleteI hear you. I don't know where all these perfect people are hiding...I mean I never really see them in real life. I have to differ with you though on the cool/unique part. I think you are so interesting and stylish and well, you make me feel like a big fat insecure dork because you are so beautiful, fashionable and secure. But seriously? You don't like cookies?
ReplyDeletekenna.. PAALEASE...who isn't like this?? ilove you, and so does every other millionth stalker of your blog... That why all infact do "blurk"..
ReplyDeleteMUCH LOVE
comin' at you live
waht? no sense was made there...
ReplyDeleteyou know what i mean!!
oh come on girl- "be kind to yourself" is what my mother-in-law always says. It kind of caught me off guard the first time because it was such a foreign concept to me. Aren't we trained to pick holes in ourselves??
ReplyDeleteThe TV is babysitting my son right now...we are all full of flaws, why not just enjoy them? that's what makes life interesting.
and i honestly think about you a lot as well. My thoughts wander to random people all the time-it's not weird.
I'm not going to take time to pick your list apart- although I could. Heck, we are just sister-friends and I know how fabulous you are. Steer clear of those blogs. You can always come visit mine...no pretense there. We horrify our children into obedience and post snow-porn.
ReplyDeleteKennan--I love your honesty & "realness" (is that a word?) You are so great!
ReplyDeleteIts too bad you aren't just engaged to Trevan right now...because that pic would be perfect for invites! Heehee :) Love it!
Blurking? It's my social life! I'm such a recluse! I'll prep my house, food, invites, do it all but once the party begins, I want to be in a room by myself. Non social. Weird, I know.
ReplyDeleteAll those things your not? I think that's what keeps us from being translated....he,he!
Perfect is boring. And annoying. Be glad you're not. Personally, I find your honesty refreshing (although, I'm sure you're selling yourself short in your "list").
ReplyDeleteI Love you and I think you are perfectly imperfect! There is not one other person on the earth who can make me laugh like you can. Can you move in with me for awhile? I need some laughter. I love you and love your blog. Thank you for being real!
ReplyDeleteI'll tell you what you ARE is one of my favorite people!! And what more do you need. And you are one of the most original people I know. Unless you have been faking?
ReplyDeleteYou are AMAZING! Your list fits me and just about everyone I know!
ReplyDeleteFashion???? You are FABULOUS!
oh, If you are working tonight, will you put my holds back out? We have no $$$$ for them, and I feel bad having them in the back room! THanks my dear!
I can handle all that stuff you luisted. We all have our lists and it's not the end of the world. It gives us stuff to work on. But you don't like cookies? Unforgiveable! You need to get over that one quick. Head on over to Terni's and have her bake some of her delights. We'll check back later. BJ Dibble
ReplyDeleteWe are sooo alike!! I feel like alot of those things happen in my life. So, don't be sad, friend, let's get together and talk and have fun. Come to play group this week. It's at my house on Thursday...be there or I'll be mad! (Just kidding! We always say it's funer when you are there. :) )
ReplyDeleteI'm your blurker, hope that is okay, & I think you are adorable.
ReplyDeleteYou are so incredibly REAL and PERFECTLY amazing. How many people wish they were like Kennan? About a gazillion!! XOXXO
ReplyDeleteHmm...kind of embarassing, as a "blurker". But, I. love. your. blog. And you inspired me to write a few "real" things about me. I agree with you in so many ways. Thanks~
ReplyDeleteHello. I feel really dumb writing a comment on your blog because you really don't know me. I just know of you. I was Brooke's friend a long time ago and I use to come sleepover at your house. Anyway... I LOVE your blog and so does my mom. Ha ha. Your blog is amazing. My mom said she that your blog is the only blog that can make her laugh and cry at the same time and I totally agree. The way you write is so much fun to read. We think your kids are amazingly cute and so are you. You are such a good mom and I love the way you talk about your fam. For what it is worth.. You are awesome!!!
ReplyDeleteWell, according to all these comments you're pretty awesome, and I totally agree. And so does Cohen. I swear he has a crush on you or something. We were at the library and there was this book w/ a pic of the author on the back and she had short reddish hair that's styled like yours and he was like, "There's Jude's mommy! Oh, that just looks like Jude's mommy." And then just this morning I put this new striped shirt on him and he said, "This is just like Jude's mommy's shirt!" So maybe you were wearing a striped shirt last time we saw you? I don't know, but I guess he remembered. :)
ReplyDeleteTotal blurker coming out. I'm Valerie's cousin and I completely disagree with your self evaluation! We've never met face to face, but I think you and your sweet family are amazing. Seriously! If only we could all be a little more Kennan, don't you think the world would be just a tad more exciting? Thanks for the honesty and 'real-ness' of you!
ReplyDeleteI think I mention poop in every one of my blog posts, so I'm glad you're not talking about me. Although, we do have pretty perfect poops in our house and we make a lot of cookies, hence my perfectly plump state. I have another friend that doesn't like cookies. It blows my mind, really.
ReplyDeleteTHIS is why I love your blog. You are real, you are all of us:) Thank you Thank you Thank you!