jude went in today for his 9th laser surgery today. its the same exact thing every time, same doctors(different anesthesiologist), same nurses, same crying, same smell, same burnt hair, and same darling boy. the only different thing is that this time the lasered inside his mouth (ouch!) because dr. vanderhooft saw some darkening on his inner lower lip. jude is getting smarter with age (imagine that) and knows now what is going on. he knows that when we walk into that hospital he is going to leave in tears. he knows what and where is birthmark is now.
last night was harder for me than today. last night was the first time that while recieving a blessing from trev that i didn't hold him. he sat there like a big boy and silently mouthed ï love you" to me as i watched (not joking). last night we discussed his birthmark, jude and i. our discussion went like this...
"jude, greta is sleeping at yaya's tonight because tomorrow we have to go to a special doctor's appointment for you"
"we go get my birthmark away tomorrow?"
"yes, baby but it will be okay."
"okay momma. we go get 'jabba da hut' after my birthmark go away tomorrow?"
"we'll sure try buddy."
"momma, i no like my birthmark tomorrow"
"me either buddy but you'll be okay, i promise."(tears)
OMG...I can't stand it!!! Enough already. Let's be done, ok? Such a brave boy and Mommy. Love you both more than words can say.XOXOXO
ReplyDeleteI love the updates, thanks for being so good at documenting. He's a beautiful boy! Does he know that people like me, that he's never met, are totally in love with him? Love you Jude!
ReplyDeleteWelp, that post is bound to get you. You are such a cute mom. I am happy to hear that once again those jedi knights (?) save that day. I hope that the recovery goes well!!!
ReplyDeletesweet baby boy..
ReplyDeletehe is so brave, and i love him so much.
I love Jude! Jack wanted him to come to his family birthday party last night. When I asked him who was coming he kept saying Jude! When he's feeling up to it you need to come over and play.
ReplyDeleteAhhh, I love him so much! How is that little mouth of his? Is he ready for a little cousin time next week? Hang in there little judakins!
ReplyDeletePoor little guy! I sure hope that this is the end!
ReplyDeleteIt may be repetitive, but it never ceases to break my heart. Here's to a speedy recovery.
ReplyDeleteWhat a little trooper he is! He looks so happy no matter what! You are a brave mommy! Let's keep our fingers crossed that this was his last surgery!
ReplyDeleteso now i'm in my sweats crying on my key board. I love that little guy and you. keep up the good work because im voteing you for mother of the year for 2008 and probably 2009