we did disney for 3 days straight and the only regret is the corn dog that i got food poisoning from. somehow disneyland is new to me every time i go. it's so much fun seeing it through my kids eyes. jude could take or leave most of the rides (with the exception of peter pan and the haunted mansion) but loved everything else. jude loved seeing the characters and he is still upset we missed some. greta loved each and every ride she could go on and giggled the whole way through. she fell in love with disney princesses, tinkerbell, and minnie mouse (how does she know to like them? i certainly don't encourage it. princesses? no. barbie? yes.). and i think we all left the park a little bit better people, but definitely happier.
i hope you noticed jude laying on lightning.... it was sort of adorable.

miss step taker herself and her favorite yaya

i get to be her mom.

poor brennan and his perfectly starched shirt fell victim to the grizzly river run
woody and jude.
i wish i would have brought jude's cowboy boots to show them to woody. the one's with andy's name on one shoe and jude's on the other. its funny how these characters become a part of your life, you wind up loving them almost as much as your kids do.

the pixar parade was 100% amazing.

jude and his first love.... lightning mcqueen. thanks to this trip we are back into cars world at our house and to think i almost packed them up!

the gregory kids and jude's endearing facial expression.

jude and his real father cameron
did you know jude is obsessed with halloween? i think i may have mentioned it (29 times). well, naturally, "nightmare before christmas" is his favorite too.... mostly the soundtrack. its safe to say all of jude's disneyland souvenirs were "nightmare before christmas" themed. pretty sure he looks like he had a shopping spree at hot topic. gorge....
....at least he's cute.

landy and rog

the whole brood

so greta is a bit terrified of people costumes as you can see. we learned this a few weeks back when i tried on my cheer uniform from 8th grade and then followed with my wedding dress, she was horrified (i knew they were tight but certainly not deserving of that reaction). i was a little concerned about the whole disney character thing for her so we steered clear of most of them but when it came to mickey and minnie... who can resist?
jude could finally rest when we found mickey and greta had warmed up a bit or a lot.

a little embarrassed for them right here.

trevan opted out on the tea cups..... we were all offended.

my poor children have nobody to love them.


we went back 2x to the winnie the pooh ride just for greta, she loved it. i think the soft cuddly costumes were easier for her to swallow.

this picture pretty much sums up our trip.... delightful.
thanks for being you disneyland.
p.s. do you think you would like me more if i had less pictures? well too bad.