my family (the williams) went to jackson hole this past week. we were suppose to go but because we are going to california/disneyland this week we opted out because we could not financially swing both. trevan and i were depressed all weekend. we majorly heart jackson hole. trevan would have rather gone to jackson (the fishing? please.) but because his most favorite uncle is getting married he knew the right choice was california. i was just upset that i was missing out on QUALITY sister time. poor jude was even sad, he really wanted to go to jackson hole but understood it was that or disneyland. i called daily for updates and cried nightly on what i was missing out on.
after work on monday i called my mom and she said there was room for us because ante and paige were leaving and that we should come up for the last day. i told her sarcastically i was already half way there. when i got home i told trevan what she told me and he laughed and then we went to bed. the next morning while i was feeding the chillens breakfast i got a call from trevan asking if i wanted to go to jackson for the night. needless to say we were packed, loaded, and driving in less than an hour. (side note.... trevan is great but he is not sporadic. it may have been his best moment yet.)
we spent the most wonderful 24 hours in jackson hole. we had to jam pack my families 5 days of fun into 1 day and i think we succeeded. we were sad we missed the clark's but were also grateful for their contribution. we went on a little hike, laughed, ate, crafted, played cards, fished, enjoyed the scenery, strolled the town, shopped, and slept soundly all in a few measly hours. my kids LOVED seeing their st. george cousins and i am pretty sure jude would like to be a lamoreaux boy. it was perfect. the only down fall was the speeding ticket i got after i dropped trevan off at the snake to fish on our way up. i may or may not have not tried to "elude" the cop and have a hefty $158 fine to pay to the lincoln county sheriffs department. its embarrassing and hilarious at the same time. the ticket however did not make this trip any less perfect.

proof we were there in '09

these 2 are best friends.... really. minie thinks jude is the cats pajamas and jude thinks minie is both nearly 4 and a boy. i can get jude to come with me anywhere as long as i tell him brooke and minie will be there too.... because they usually are.

tired handsome boy. its rough getting in 24 hours of play with your favorite people in the world. (thanks nannie for finally getting our kids to bed at 1am.... we owe you.)
Jackson Hole or BUST! Now how do I wiggle myself into the Southern California trip??? :)