greta is a normal 2 year old.
i am a little worried that i may project greta to be not all the way 'there' mentally sometimes on this blog and that is not the case. i want to set the record straight.
people think that because greta is different and developmentally slow that she must be mentally slow as well. i have people tell me (including family) that greta is precious, special and sweet spirited which she is.... but not in the way they saying it. i often get looks and words of sadness and understanding, like i should be sad about her and what she will miss out on. i have even had people ask me questions like if ever walk or if she will go to a "normal" school or if she will ever get married. really, people?!?! i can't predict the future but i can guarantee you that she will do what ever she sets her mind to and she is perfectly mentally capable to do so and yes, if she gets married she will probably walk down the aisle. greta will not miss out on anything.
i know people mean well and are not entirely informed on the whole greta situation and probably just trying to be nice and don't know what to say. so let me try to explain better.... greta is not a sweet spirit that needs to have her heart blessed, nor is she different from any other (amazingly cute) 2 year old. YES, she is developmentally slow with walking and talking but everything else is in place. believe me, we have had her tested. if i seem to complain about her not being "normal" its because i hate that she can't run around with her cousins and how it makes her cry, i hate that she can't dance on her feet like she wants to right now, and i really hate that she ruins all of her pants by crawling everywhere! we all get frustrated because she can't say what she wants to say and that i have to translate greta-language. i know that not walking and talking at 2 years old is not "normal" and that maybe those things go hand in hand with mental handicapped children, but not for grets. not being able to do things like other kids makes it harder for her... and let's be honest, for me. i am the one that gets my feelings hurt, not greta. parenting and loving her is easy but learning patience in parenting her is really hard. nothing with her has gone as planned. whenever i have a "poor greta/poor me" moment she goes and does something totally outrageous like walking across the room or climbing on the counter. greta is a crazy 2 year old who is figuring out her world, just like everyone else. she is not mentally challenged and she is not predictable.
no one will label her, including me.
remind me of that, will you?
like today when she decided to wash her hair and then bathe in the mud.
or when she poses for pictures all through out dinner.
she is delectable.

and so is her ever-so-handsome big brother jude.
(he is doing his trademark sound effect here. one day i will get on video and you all will be amazed.)