Sunday, June 3, 2007

dear baby,

i wish you would come back. i never got to tell you i love you. i don't know when you left, i didn't get to say goodbye. i don't know why you left, didn't you know we wanted you? i still feel that you are here sometimes in my heart, but my mind tells me you aren't. you are gone. we were very excited for you to come to us. we were already getting ready even though it was early. your brother jude gave you a kiss the day we found out you were gone, he loved his baby. he would have been a great big brother, you would have loved him. he would have shown you the way. i never will forget you and the short lived joy and excitement you brought to our lives. please tell you other siblings, if they are up there with you, that i would have been a good mom to you. i'll never know if you were a boy or girl but i loved you just they way you were. i wanted you so bad, i love you. why did you leave? what is the lesson we needed to learn? i am not angry, just so heart broken. how do i go on without you? i need you. just one hold or hug or kiss, that would have done. we are all hurting for you. will we ever be ok? i thought you would be with us forever and that i would have time to get to know you. i know we will be together someday forever but not until we can join you in heaven. wait for us, we will come to you, we love you. i love you. please come back to me. i will love you forever sweetest baby of mine. people say that i will get you back but i know i won't because you are gone. you were special and created for us, but too special, you could not stay. you will never know the joy of life and the love of an earthly mother and father. we love you. come back. we will recover but i will never be the same. not without my sweet baby i lost. where did you go? i don't ask why me but why you? he could have taken me and left you. i love you. go to sleep sweet baby and wait until mommie comes to get you, i promise i will come for you. i will protect you and love you for the rest of my life.

i love you forever,



  1. Oh Kennan my heart breaks for you. I am so sorry.

  2. Our prayers are with you.

    The Dibbles.

  3. i hate that you have to know this pain. it hurts so bad. i love you sister. sometimes it just never is fair.. i know you know this. i am just so sorry. i love you

  4. Sweet daughter of mine. Time will heal this wound. May you find peace and comfort in knowing there are those who mourn with you.

  5. I know that I can't even begin to understand what you are going through, but know that I'm here for you and I love you! You are so strong, I know you will get through this.

  6. Kennan,

    I am so sorry for your loss. You are such a wonderful mother and person. My prayers are with you, and my heart breaks for you. May God bless you with understanding and love.

    Your Brother Brad

  7. Oh my sister!! I know, and I am so sorry! The sadness will stay awhile...and thats okay! I love you and am just so sorry.

  8. Kennan and family, I am sooo sorry that this had to happen. I am praying for you and love you!

  9. It’s so heart breaking to see you going though this. I feel so sad for you, unfortunately sometimes things seem to be so unfair, and we are never able to understand why. I just would like you to know that you have a wonderful family and we all feel for you. You are on our prayers...

  10. I love you sister. That was a such an a heart felt and insightful soliloquy. This baby is very blessed to have you in this life or after. I know your baby is waiting and cheering your wonderful life on. Your baby is not alone, your baby is surrounded by your love. Thank you for sharing your heart. ilove you i love you

  11. T K & J

    you are a family everyone would love to be a part of. i am sure your baby felt so much love during its short time with you. our love and prayers are with you, and i hope you will be able to feel the comfort you deserve. remember love, not time, heals all wounds. count the blessings you have, and know when i count mine- i count each of you twice!

  12. Kennan and Trevan,

    I am so sorry to hear about your loss. I have been there and know it is not easy. Stay strong and find strength in each other.

