Thursday, June 21, 2007

wiSh LiSt (in no particular order)

to be pregnant
own a dishwasher
work only when i want to
for trevan to love me like does until the end of time
be more creative and crafty
for my mom to live forever
to dress impeccably
more religious
swim every day of my life
for jude to grow up to be a good man
to have a nice car
be with my sisters everyday
make all the right decisions
to have lots of healthy kids
be out of debt
a desire to want to excercise
to have finished school or anything
a better mom
be tan all year round
have better teeth
sleep in and have naps everyday
for time to slow down and hurry up at the same time
to cry when i want to
be GREAT at something
be with my family forever
never be alone
my house to be finished
to be thinner(duh)
have long pretty hair that doesn't make me look like a man
to not have to rely on medication for my happiness
be a better listener
more well read
to be a celebrity
to be the best version of me

daughter. mother. wife. sister. friend. crazy woman


  1. Creative and crafty? What?! I'm still in shock....
    Umm... hello! How can your teeth be better than this?! *see link*(
    You are a GREAT mom, duh! And a super GREAT friend!
    And shut up, I with I had your hair! Wanna trade?

  2. If you read the book "The Serect" you will find out that with positive can have all of these!! :) I've never read it, its just what I've heard!
    SO...I definitely think we should do lunch, or dinner, or SOMETHING!
    We can have a crafty you with one of your goals! ;)

  3. I like your wish list. It's fun... but I think you should make a grateful list. You are soooo amazing and have such a wonderful life. I smile when I think about you because all I have ever wanted is for you to be happy and have a happy life....and you DO! And you will be pg very soon. I just know it! You are my DNYAMITE daughter! XOXO

  4. what is up with your list?!!! You are all of those things and MUCH MORE!!!! PS. I haven't dropped off the face of the earth.... and of course I still love you baby!!!
