there are many great men in my life and most of them are fathers. the ones that i love most are of course my own dad, my sweet husband
trevan, and last but not least
rog. i love that we get to celebrate these men we call fathers once a year.

i love my husband more that anything (he ties with
jude). he is the perfect match for me and i didn't know how wonderful of a father he would be.
trevan longs for the day that he will have a "daddy's boy" but he does not see the look of love and sheer need that
jude gives him.
jude adores his dad and
trevan deserves it. i am thankful every single day for having
trevan in my life. he deals with his crazy wife perfectly.

i love my handsome father mike. he has taught many things in life but my favorite thing he has given me is my sense of humor. he is incredibly silly man but at the same time is so smart and resourceful. he always makes you feel like you are his favorite (i really think i am) and would give you
anthing of his, minus his
berset bash t-shirt. i love you dad.

this picture pretty much sums up my feelings about
rog. roger is a AMAZING father. he his
everyone's favorite, including
in fact one of
jude's first words was "papa". i can't tell you all of the things that this man has sacrificed for his family. he has always put them first and it shows, his children adore him.
trevan loves his dad and will not do or buy anything without first consulting
rog. he is truly a GREAT man and we all love him.
(plus robyn thinks he's hot.)
You have such a sweet family! Aren't we lucky to have such great hubbies!!!!