who doesn't love christmas? if there is someone out there i would like to know. i am so super excited for christmas this year. last year we were in the midst of our move and our christmas present was our house. we are going all out this year and only because we have our little elf to help. he is all things christmas. i was nervous about halloween being over because he was so into that but with christmas around the corner we were able to survive. he love love LOVES christmas and i am glad. jude is the secret ingredient to make all things wonderful!

lets just say trev and i got into a little "tiff" right before this. mostly it was me being pregnant and grumpy and him being not pregnant and grumpy. so jude and i went solo to the tree lot. i am really stubborn and am sad i was stupid and didn't wait for trevan. we did HOWEVER wind up with the perfect tree.

our tree and it's missing star
(note the star wars decoration front & center)
Ummm...you didn't mention you got your tree without Senor! Oh the joys of pregnant people!