Friday, December 28, 2007

trevan's after christmas party

i love love love real tree's but this year we got a real dud. it died like a week before christmas and i was so mad. we went to JT trees or something like that and they guaranteed it would live. liars! brooke and dustin got their's from the same place and it died before ours did. not to mention the christmas tree lot was gone a week before christmas. i guess they knew their tree's would die and did not want to stay around to be yelled at, jerks! next year we are sticking with leo's.

anyway, so trevan has been conspiring to get our tree down for a while, even before christmas (the thought!). so being my lazy self i woke up after trev and jude had been up and went downstairs to see the tree de-decorated and being chopped down slowly but surely to be burned in our fireplace. taking it outside to be picked up was not fun enough. funny how my 26 year old husband can revert back to a 12 year old pyro when presented with the opportunity. i love him.

this is how trevan found me a few minutes after the tree was burnt and jude was back down for his nap. aren't i gorgeous? for anyone that has not been 7 months pregnant, it's really hard to get comfortable.


  1. The tree being burnt was a bang up idea!!!! Can I borrow your fire place? Our tree is still on the front lawn. The last picture cracks me up! I love Trev for taking that picture...and I love you even more for posting it.

  2. What are you talking about Kennan?? That looks WAY comfortable!! :)
    Trevan is so funny, I bet he was drumming up that idea all night!

  3. america's next top model, possible??? that last photo seems like a shoe in for me

  4. I don't miss that part of being pregnant. At least it looks like you finally got comfy enough to sleep. How are things going by the way?

  5. Who did you marry??? Paul Bunyun or the Pyro-King??? I bet JUde was loving it!! And let's face it...whatever it takes to get comfy at this point!
