Wednesday, November 5, 2008

i voted.... for jude

but the results kind of excite me.....
change is good, right?


  1. really?
    i didn't know you were an Obama fan.

    and really, there is no sarcasm in that.
    you are an Obama fan??

  2. I hope change is good! :-)
    I love that note from your pal Tucker...HILARIOUS!

  3. It's sign that on Nov 5th was a snowy and record cold day, becuase it's a cold day in hell, when a black man becomes president. I hope you realize that that's exactly what america is in for 4 years of HELL

  4. Well I am glad you were able to get that nice anonymous post... not racist at all. Change is the definition of our time... but I think Obama will be good for our country. So here's to the next four!

  5. I am glad to hear that you too voted for the future of our youth. There is too much hate in the world. Marissa called me with tears in her eyes, I was in DC for this historic event and the energy was unreal. Marissa and I saw him speak last summer in Chicago, she was really upset she couldn't vote this year. We have turned a corner and this country needs to come together. You are brave to put this out there! Tell Jude that we have a gift for him and give them both a kiss from us. See you soon.

  6. Holy Scary, Batman! What white supremist follows your blog???? Did they not read you voted for JUDE?? Even John McCain has enough class to get on board as an AMERICAN. That's how we make a change...reaching across party lines and all. And will Jude be running in 2056 or 2060 so I can vote for him? XOXO

  7. I am sorry K-dog but Obama scares me and I felt a little sick on Tuesday. But I love you and I will vote for Jude.
    and I love black people I am pretty hip hop. You should probally find out who your racial stalker is.
