Wednesday, November 5, 2008

my tuck is 9

this little boy was my heart and soul until my own son came almost exactly 6 years later. i will love him forever and ever because he simply wonderful. robyn is so lucky to have him.

an e-mail from 2003 from tuck...

Dear Kennan,
I'm good. I want a new Video game, and a monster hot
wheels, Like the one on TV. I want to be Batman for
halloween. I think you sould be a mountain for
halloween...a hot lava mountain. Trevan should be a
REscue Hero. Abe likes you and misses you. I am in
mommy's bedroom. I am sending you emails. Ia m done. I
love you bye..

h a p p y 9th b i r t h d a y
t u c k e r !


  1. oh goodness...

    tucker as a baby/toddler was all sorts of amazing! i love that picture of him.

    happy birthday most darling boy!!!

  2. OK seriously? Tucker is so, so beyond words adorable. And you are like the sweetest aunt ever. Really.

    Happy birthday to Jude too!

  3. Tucker is beyond wonderful and we all can't imagine life without him! He's so great that everyone wants to be born on his special least all the cousins!(Or have some other major thing happen on that day.) Happy Birthday, Tucker Boo! Wish I could have joined you! XOXOXOXOXO
